Is Marvel Studios pushing a politically correct agenda in the MCU?

Is Marvel Studios pushing a politically correct agenda in the MCU?

Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige have taken a drastic and different approach to the MCU when they released Captain Marvel and cast Brie Larson, as the films no longer care about telling a quality story, but instead, only care about pushing a politically correct agenda.

Is Marvel replacing characters for SJW reasons?

Ten years ago when we started making these movies, you probably don’t see much of that. Again, the use of diversification or female representation isn’t the problem, the problem is that Marvel is replacing characters for politically correct, or “SJW,” reasons.

Is Marvel destroying the original Marvel characters by making replacement characters?

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So in essence, what Marvel is doing is destroying both the characters, as the original will never get a chance to appear onscreen, and likewise, the replacement characters will never fully get a chance to shine as they will never have their own identity and, in essence, are ripping off the original characters’ identities in order to become popular.

Did Marvel just insult all comic book fans again?

Marvel Comics have again insulted all comic book fans everywhere by announcing a new superhero team full of politically correct, woke, so-called diverse characters.

Is Marvel trying to appeal to a non-existent audience with new characters?

And while the characters are new, they have taken a team name of a much-loved superhero comic, even if no one had been buying it for years. And it’s all been arranged by a marketing department at Marvel trying to appeal to a non-existent audience that they will fail to reach.

Are right-wing activists telling Marvel it’s not Marvel?

Obviously, the usual right-wing chuds are typically apoplectic at the news, but even self-described SJWs are telling Marvel this ain’t it, chief. They’re joined by LGBTQ campaigners who are also confused and annoyed.