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Who was Loki talking to in the first Avengers?

Who was Loki talking to in the first Avengers?

The Other personally threatening Loki After Loki arrived on Earth and used the Scepter’s power to build a small army of human soldiers, including Erik Selvig and Hawkeye, he went to a flashback where he was speaking to Thanos, with the Other being the one who was speaking with him on behalf of Thanos.

Why did Loki do what he did in The Avengers?

But more importantly, Loki had reasons for everything he did. Having been lied to all his life, Loki sought to kill Asgard’s greatest enemy, the Frost Giants – his actual people – to prove his competence to his adopted father, Odin. He was a misguided antagonist and a foil to Thor, yes.

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What was Loki doing in Stuttgart?

He wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience.” Loki traveled to Stuttgart to find Heinrich Schafer, a scientist with access to a warehouse containing Iridium, an element Erik Selvig needed to stabilize the inter-dimensional portals created by the Tesseract.

Why didn’t Captain America use the time stone to find Loki?

“The intent was that [Captain America] was going to correct the past timelines at the point that the stones left. Loki, when he teleports away with the Time Stone, would create his own timeline. It gets very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he found Loki.

Could Captain America have prevented Loki’s escape in Endgame?

With the information available, it’s clear that Loki’s 2012 escape in Avengers: Endgame did create a branched reality, one that Captain America could not prevent for lack of resources or knowledge.

What does 2012 Loki’s escape mean for the MCU timeline?

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Avengers: Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo, in an interview with Business Insider, were very candid about what 2012 Loki’s escape means for that timeline; “The intent was that [Captain America] was going to correct the past timelines at the point that the stones left.

Did Captain America fix every timeline except one?

This, however, doesn’t account for the consequences of the Time Heist in 2012, which saw Loki escape with that time period’s Space Stone after Tony Stark is taken down by a Hulk enraged by a stairwell. Here’s why Captain America may have fixed every timeline except one.