Does Singapore still have corporal punishment?

Does Singapore still have corporal punishment?

Caning is a widely used form of corporal punishment in Singapore. Of these, judicial caning is the most severe. It is applicable to only male convicts under the age of 50 for a wide range of offences under the Criminal Procedure Code, up to a maximum of 24 strokes per trial.

Is corporal punishment legal in Singapore schools?

Schools. Corporal punishment is lawful in schools under article 88 of the Education (Schools) Regulations under the Education Act 1957: “(1) No corporal punishment shall be administered to girl pupils.

Is the cane still used in Singapore schools?

Caning, as a form of corporal punishment in Singapore schools, is allowed under the Education (Schools) Regulation. Such punishment is always complemented with counselling and follow-up guidance on the student who had been caned.

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Is caning in Singapore effective?

Pointing to Singapore’s low crime rate, Chen said the city-state’s “caning” practise was a more effective long-term deterrent to violent crime than the death penalty, which he said was only just “one aspect” of punishment. …

How is death penalty done in Singapore?

Executions in Singapore are carried out by hanging, and take place at Changi Prison, usually at dawn. In a survey done in 2005 by The Straits Times, 95\% of Singaporeans believe that their country should retain the death penalty.

What countries still use judicial corporal punishment?

Judicial corporal punishment is practiced in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Libya, Brunei, Darussalam, Maldives, Indonesia (Aceh) and Nigeria (northern states) and many more.

Is corporal punishment allowed in Singapore?

Singapore seems to be the only English-speaking country outside the USA where a significant number of schools state in their own literature or websites that they officially use corporal punishment, as in these examples. However, some schools do not mention punishment at all on their websites.

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Should corporal punishment be allowed in schools?

Corporal punishment can only be administered in schools directly under the control of MOE (so other schools like international schools are, by right, not allowed to do so). Only boys can be caned, not girls. The boy can only be caned on the buttocks or the palm of the hand, on a rod with a certain thickness and pliability.

What is the most severe punishment in Singapore?

Of these, judicial caning, for which Singapore is best known, is the most severe. It is reserved for male convicts under the age of 50, for a wide range of offences under the Criminal Procedure Code, and is also used as a disciplinary measure in prisons.

What is the punishment for military offenders in Singapore?

Similarly, juvenile delinquents in reformatories may be punished by caning for serious offences. Servicemen in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) who commit serious military offences may be sentenced by a military court to a less severe form of caning in the SAF Detention Barracks, which houses military offenders.