
What to do when you receive a gift you already have?

What to do when you receive a gift you already have?

You can exchange a gift if:

  1. You already own the same one. Explain to the gift-giver that you appreciate the thoughtfulness but that you already have the exact same item.
  2. The gift-giver is your spouse or an immediate family member.

How do you acknowledge a thank you gift?

You smile, and next time you see the person, you can say, “I got your lovely note! I’m glad you liked ________” (the gift, etc.). This is an acknowledgement. If someone emails a thank you for something you did for him, a simple, “Glad I could help!” is sufficient acknowledgement.

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Should you accept gifts?

A holiday gift, for example, may be an innocent gesture of goodwill. Gifts from children, no matter the time or theme, often carry the same level of face-value innocence. If you determine that the gift will not change your therapist-client relationship, it’s okay to graciously accept the gift with a simple “thank you”.

How do you respond to receiving thanks?

Depends upon the particular nature of the note, but an acknowledgement of some sort is usually good even if just to let the person know you received the thank you. In most cases, a simple “You’re welcome” is sufficient. You could also say something like, “I’m glad you enjoyed/had a good time/whatever, etcetera.

How do you accept a gift graciously?

“Knowing how to accept graciously is a skill we all would benefit from honing.” Instead of getting hung up on that beautifully wrapped but totally unexpected present, try to concentrate on showing your gratitude. “Respond in the same spirit that the gift was given,” Gottsman said.

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What do you say when someone gives you a gift?

A sincere “thank you” spoken with a smile is the only English phrase you really need when someone gives you a gift. But if you want to expand your vocabulary, you’ll want to know some other phrases to use in different situations: Thank you so much!

What is the correct tone when giving and receiving gifts?

In much of the English-speaking world, it is customary to use the right tone when giving and receiving gifts. In informal situations, such as when you’re with friends or family, gift-givers and their lucky recipients can both be casual or clever. Some people like to make a big fuss when they give and receive presents; others are very modest.

How do you respond when someone says you appreciate the gift?

“Respond in the same spirit that the gift was given,” Gottsman said. “Smile, make direct eye contact, show genuine appreciation and say, ‘You are so thoughtful. Thanks for thinking of me.’ Decide later if you would like to give them a gift in kind, but there’s no obligation.”