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What is the importance of studying theology?

What is the importance of studying theology?

All you need to study Theology is a sense of curiosity about the world and human experience. We provide an ideal grounding on the way to active ministry in a Christian setting, but Theology is about more than just vocational training. It is about life, meaning, belief and identity at the deepest level.

What is theology the study of?

Theology is the study of God, God’s character, God’s actions in relation to the cosmos, and especially God’s relationship to humanity (the character and history of humankind) in its responsive relationship to God within the panorama of the world and history, space and time.

How would you describe theology to a child?

Theology is the study of one or more religions (‘Theo-‘ means God in Greek and ‘-logy’ is study, which makes it ‘God study’ or ‘study of God’). Somebody who studies theology is called a theologian. Books or ideas about theology are called theological.

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What is emerging theology in the twenty-first century?

In the twenty-first century, the emerging theology will express sensitivity at once, both to the social and cultural contexts. and to the gender issues that have been basic to all social and cultural contexts thus far.

What role for Mission Theology in the 21st century?

Mission theology, informed by the Liberation Theology and other contextual theologies, should take prominent role in theologising in the 21st century. If the modern project was Western, postmoderns represent a multitude of cultures and peoples.

Is theology a postmodern exercise for Global Christianity?

If theology was at a time (from Enlightenment to the 20th century), a Western and systematic exercise, today it shall be a ‘postmodern’ exercise for Global Christianity.

Is Western Christianity a modern theology?

Western Christianity, it was discovered, was modernist, especially when compared to the various contextual theologies in the Third World. Mission theology, informed by the Liberation Theology and other contextual theologies, should take prominent role in theologising in the 21st century.