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Is there a galactic war?

Is there a galactic war?

The Galactic War was a conflict which broke out after the collapse of the peace treaty between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Both governments signed treaties with the Eternal Empire and began paying tribute to the third power.

How many people died in the great galactic war?

Great Galactic War

Military casualties: Zym † Belth Allusis † Orgus Din Ven Zallow † Mandalore the Lesser †
Faction(s) Sith Empire
Civilian casualties: Berooken †

Will we fight in space?

As of 2021, no actual warfare is known to have taken place in space, though a number of tests and demonstrations have been performed. International treaties are in place that attempt to regulate conflicts in space and limit the installation of space weapon systems, especially nuclear weapons.

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Who won the Great Sith War?

The Great Sith War was a conflict fought between the Jedi Order and Sith prior to the Great Hyperspace Disaster. According to Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis, the Jedi won the war.

What ended the Great Galactic War?

By the end of the war, thousands of Jedi were dead. The Galactic Republic focused its anger on the Jedi, blaming the Order for its defeat at the hands of the Sith. The end of the Great Galactic War set the stage for a Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic in the years that followed.

When did the Sith retake Korriban?

Korriban again became a battlefield in 3678 BBY, when the renegade Sith apprentice Exal Kressh betrayed the Empire and allowed a fleet of Republic warships to launch a failed attempt to retake the planet.

Why was Battlestar Galactica canceled after 10 episodes?

Again, it was decided this new version of Battlestar Galactica would be made into a weekly TV series. Despite the early success of the premiere, this program failed to achieve the popularity of the original series, and it was canceled after just ten episodes.

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When did the original Battlestar Galactica start?

The franchise began with the original television series in 1978 and was followed by a short-run sequel series ( Galactica 1980 ), a line of book adaptations, original novels, comic books, a board game, and video games.

Why was the galaxy so important in Star Wars?

It was home to countless sentient species and star systems. The galaxy would serve as the setting for trade, politics, and war throughout galactic history. In historical memory, the galaxy would see the successive eras of the Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, New Republic, among others, and was home to the Force-using orders of the Jedi and Sith.

What are Your Top 5 favorite Battlestar Galactica movies?

1 Battlestar Galactica: Armageddon, with Christopher Golden 2 Battlestar Galactica: Warhawk, with Christopher Golden 3 Battlestar Galactica: Resurrection, with Stan Timmons 4 Battlestar Galactica: Rebellion, with Alan Rogers 5 Battlestar Galactica: Paradis, with Brad Linaweaver 6 Battlestar Galactica: Destiny, with Brad Linaweaver