
What is the percentile for 3000 rank in JEE mains?

What is the percentile for 3000 rank in JEE mains?

JEE Main Expected Marks vs Rank Analysis 2022

JEE Main Rank Range JEE Main Score Range
1,001 – 1,500 247 – 254
1,501 – 2,000 240 – 246
2,001 – 2,500 232 – 239
2,501 – 3,000 225 – 231

Is 95 percentile a good percentile in JEE mains?

Answer. 95 percentile means your expected rank would be around 43,450. Now if the number of candidates in July session increases, your expected rank would also increase. Being a general category student, it would be quite difficult to get any of the top NITs as the seats get filled within 30,000 to 35,000 rank.

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How is the rank determined using percentile scores in JEE Main?

It is in this manner, the authorities calculate the JEE Main percentile scores and determine the ranks. Basically, your Percentile Score indicates the percentage of students who secured less than or equal to the raw score obtained by you. JEE Main Percentile Vs Rank 2021: How Is The Rank Determined Using Percentile Scores?

What is a good score in the JEE Mains 2021?

A good score in JEE Main can be 250+. As NTA is announcing JEE Main 2021 results in the form of percentile, you can check the good percentile here. According to the previous years’ trends, the good JEE Main percentile or score required to appear for JEE Advanced was high.

What is the minimum marks required in JEE Mains to qualify?

Hello Aspirant, The minimum marks required for the candidates to score in jee mains to qualify for jee advanced exams are: Gen- 84 to 86 percentile OBC -65 to 67 percentile Sc- 45 – 47 percentile This is an expected cut off by observing the paper and conclude information from various resources.

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What is a good score in JEE Mains to get NITs?

A. General Category candidates need to score a minimum of 95+ percentile score to get NITs. For reserved category candidates, the 80+ percentile score is enough to get NITs. Q. What is a good score in JEE Main? A. 250+ marks in JEE Main are considered as a good score. Q. What is needed to score good marks in JEE Main? A.