
Do Americans speak grammatically correct English?

Do Americans speak grammatically correct English?

Absolutely. They’re typically just different from the non-native speakers. (First, you have to put aside various non-standard dialects–as one or two others mentioned here already, those aren’t technically mistakes, just non-standard.

Is us all correct grammar?

As I know, “us all” and “us students” are correct when used as objects. As object of a preposition, yes. In colloquial/slang speech you can hear that as a subject. But the correct usage, if you don’t want to use any preposition, is to use the subjective case: We all, all we students.

Is all of us singular or plural?

Note from the above examples that all and all of are mainly used with uncountable (e.g. cake) and plural (e.g. presents, friends) nouns. With personal pronouns, two realisations are possible, e.g. all of us or we all.

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Is all of us a sentence?

When using the construction “all of us” as a subject in a sentence, the pronoun stays an object pronoun, as such: All of us are in the same boat. The alternate construction just sounds weird (to my ears, at least), even though it “follows” the subject-verb agreement: All of we are in the same boat.

Do Brits use the Oxford comma?

Serial/Oxford Comma Despite being named after a British University, the Oxford comma (the comma used before “and” in lists (e.g., I like wookies, ewoks, and droids)) is not considered standard in UK English because only one style guide (Oxford) recommends it.

Why are American and British spelling different?

The main difference is that British English keeps the spelling of words it has absorbed from other languages, mainly French and German. Whilst American English spellings are based mostly on how the word sounds when it is spoken.

Is grammar still relevant in America today?

Fortunately most rudimentary grammar still persists, making the difference between inconvenience and Enigma code. By no means. There are many Americans, typically 1st generation immigrants, who are not native speakers of English. Some learn English perfectly, others, just enough to be understood.

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What is the difference between American English and British English?

Some of the most notable differences between American English and British English are grammatical.

Is it correct to say we are British or English?

‘We are British’ / ‘English’ is the far more usual way of putting this (as further Ngrams illustrate). You would say “We are Americans” if you are standing in a defined group of people (can be counted) and talking about your group as individuals.

Is it true that most Americans don’t speak English?

No, but not for the reasons everyone else is saying. Not all Americans speak English very well; plenty natural-born Americans have Spanish as their native language, for example, and only learn English when they go to school.