
Are most IAS from Bihar?

Are most IAS from Bihar?

Bihar accounts for nearly 450 out of total 5,500 IAS officers in the country. The highest numbers of IAS, IPS & IFS aspirants are from Bihar. Almost 25 per cent of the 700 candidates, who qualified for IAS and IPS in the last ten years, belong to Bihar.

Which state gives best facilities to IAS?

As seen from the table, the maximum number of IAS officers in India is from the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Is Madhya Pradesh is good for an IAS?

Indian Administrative Service: Madhya Pradesh IAS officers among best 10 civil servants in the country, Government News, ET Government.

How many IAS are there in Bihar?

The Bihar government on August 16 will have to tell the Patna High Court how many IAS and IPS officers along with Class 1 and Class 2 officers of the state service send the ward to study in government schools. At present, there are 209 IAS officers and 219 IPS officers in the state.

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Who is best IAS officer in Madhya Pradesh?

The Better India recognized Narahari as 10 most inspiring IAS officers of the year 2017….

Parikipandla Narahari
Occupation Commissioner, Urban Administration Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh
Spouse(s) S. B. Gita Narahari
Children Two

How is cadre allocated?

Insider vacancies are filled first based on category. Candidates eligible for home cadre are allotted UPSC cadre after insider vacancies are filled. Outsider vacancies will be filled next….Related Links.

IAS Salary Static GK
Civil Services Posts in UPSC UPSC Year-Wise Vacancy
EWS Full Form UPSC Cut Off Analysis

Which is the best IAS/IPS cadre preference list?

You will get different answers if you ask different people. North Indians like to stay in North and avoid North-East or South, and vice-versa. There can be no “the best IAS/IPS cadre preference list” ever. Originally Answered: Which cadre is good for an IAS officer?

How many IAS officers from Bihar are working at the centre?

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At the level of joint secretary (JS), additional secretary (AS) and secretary, there are 27 IAS officers working at the Centre from the UP cadre. Officers from UP and Bihar cadres have traditionally dominated the power corridors in the capital. Despite a relatively smaller CDR of 74 officers, there are 22 officers from Bihar above the JS rank.

Which is the best IAS cadre for Central Deputation?

A good way to check is see what percentage of a cadre’s officers take central deputation. You will see this is max. in cadres such in the North East, J&K etc. and the least in a cadre like MH – almost none. My view is that MH is by far the best (as long as your goal in the IAS is professional and NOT to have people treating you like a lord).

Which IAS officers dominate senior positions in Modi government in Delhi?

New Delhi: It would be an intelligent guess that IAS officers from the Uttar Pradesh or Bihar cadres dominate senior positions in the Modi government in New Delhi. The first, after all, is India’s largest state and has a strong BJP government in place while the second has traditionally occupied prime positions in the central government.