
Can a landlord evict a tenant for non-payment of rent?

Can a landlord evict a tenant for non-payment of rent?

Tenant is not relieved of their obligation to pay this rent, only relieved from the eviction proceeding, and landlord can still recover this amount if it’s not paid, through a separate legal action. Tenant can still be evicted based on a breach of lease agreement and other violations, just can’t be evicted due to non-payment.

What happens if a tenant does not pay rent for 25\%?

Tenant must pay 25\% of their rent for this time period. Tenant is not relieved from paying back the rent owed, and landlord can still recover this amount if it’s not paid in a separate civil action. Tenant can still be evicted based on a breach of lease agreement and other violations, just can’t be evicted due to non-payment.

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Can a landlord evict a tenant for a health code violation?

In many states, though not all, landlords are not allowed to evict tenants for reporting health/housing code violations or being part of a tenant’s organization. These are called retaliatory evictions because it can appear that the landlord is trying to “get back” at the tenant for exercising their rights.

Can a tenant be evicted during an eviction moratorium?

Tenants are still responsible for paying rent, but evictions are only being processed in specific cases where the health and welfare of others is involved. As you can see, processing an eviction while an eviction moratorium is in place is very difficult, if not impossible.

The law prevents landlords of the covered properties (those listed above) from filing new eviction actions for non-payment of rent for 120 days, beginning with the date of the enactment of the law, March 27, 2020. After the 120 days expire, landlords cannot evict tenants except on 30 days’ notice.

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Can a landlord evict a tenant who signs a lease?

The tenant, however, has signed the lease, giving them the legal right to stay in the rental as long as they follow the terms of the lease and state law. The landlord cannot file for an eviction because they get into a disagreement with the tenant or because the tenant has filed a health or safety complaint with the town.

Can a landlord evict a couple for having a baby?

You do not want a screaming newborn disrupting the other tenants in your property, so you file to evict the couple. This is discrimination against families, and it is illegal. Your state or county may allow certain tenants to be classified as protected tenants.

Can a landlord evict a tenant with a 120 day notice?

After the 120 days expire, landlords cannot evict tenants except on 30 days’ notice. In addition, if a landlord of a covered property receives forbearance on the mortgage, the landlord cannot evict a tenant for the duration of the forbearance (maximum 90 days).