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Is Draco just misunderstood?

Is Draco just misunderstood?

Probably the biggest reason why Draco is a misunderstood character is because he lives in an extremely privileged and isolated bubble, so frankly he’s just ignorant about a lot of real world issues.

Did Draco have a choice in the books?

Draco didn’t have a choice, yes he is a bully when he was a kid and as a teenager but he still have a soft side, he was brain washed by hia parents by saying that muggleborns doesn’t belong to the wizarding world, he even hesitated to kill Dumbledore. He was pressured and stressed because of the task he was told to do.

Is Draco actually a good person?

He was essentially a good person with a terrible personality… So Draco wasn’t the nicest person we’ve ever come across, let’s be honest: he was narrow-minded and could be a bit of an idiot, spiteful and… well, we could go on. But when it came to Draco, Harry sometimes behaved in a similar way.

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Did Draco have Sectumsempra scars?

It was Draco that attacked Harry first, and he was in the middle of casting a Cruciatus curse on Harry when Harry used Sectumsempra. Anyway, Snape healed Draco and there was no scars left. Dark magic is permanent unless the creator of a curse (dark magic) reverses it.

Why did Draco Malfoy had no choice?

Like every other child of Harry Potter’s age, Draco heard stories of the Boy Who Lived through his youth. Harry’s refusal of Draco’s friendly overtures, and the fact that he had already formed allegiance to Ron Weasley, whose family is anathema to the Malfoys, turns Malfoy against him at once.

Who made all the wrong choices?

Severus Snape : Snape did make all the wrong choices after he arrived at Hogwarts.

Is Draco a misunderstood character?

Draco is not a misunderstood character. He didn’t “have no choice”, and he wasn’t secretly a good kid. I say kid, because by the end of the series he’s 17. We’re told he grows into a better man, which is why it irks me to no end when people say he’s a “bad man” or an “evil doer” or a “terrible person” -…

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Is Draco Malfoy a good person or bad person?

Draco Malfoy is often misunderstood. He’s mistaken for a good person. He’s also mistaken for an evil person. JKR did a very interesting thing with the character of Draco Malfoy. We already have a character that started off on the good guys’ team but ended up on the bad guys’ team: Peter Pettigrew.

Is Draco Malfoy Harry Potter’s biggest rival?

Draco Malfoy is Harry Potter’s biggest rival at Hogwarts, but is he just a misunderstood boy, or is he the literal worst?

Was Draco Malfoy groomed by Lucius Malfoy?

Many readers assume Lucius was grooming Draco early on into Voldemort’s acolyte, that he was exposed to Dark Magic from a young age, that his role was meant to be larger, and he more threatening, and that his failing to be so points to fault and weakness in Draco himself, rather than that people are misreading his role.