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What if angular velocity of earth is increased?

What if angular velocity of earth is increased?

If the angular speed of the earth is increased so much that the objects start flying from the equator, then the length of the day will be nearly.

How long would a day be in minutes if the earth were rotating so fast that object’s apparent weight at the equator is equal to 20\% of its weight?

To make this equal to the acceleration due to gravity, you need the centrifugal force to be or about 288 times greater. For constant this implies a linear velocity at the equator that is about 17 times faster. That means the day would last about 1.41 hours, or 85 minutes.

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How long would a day be if the earth were spinning so fast that objects at the equator were apparently weightless?

What will be length of solar day if objects are in the state of weightlessness on equator of Earth?

Duration of Day will be 84.6 Minutes.

What happens to acceleration due to gravity G if angular speed of Earth increases?

As we can clearly see from the formula, as the angular speed increases the net acceleration due to gravity will decrease. As a result, the weight will decrease.

What should the minimum angular speed of the earth be for objects to fly off its surface?

To escape the gravity of earth from its surface, a body has to have at a minimum the known escape speed ve=11.2km/s in any direction away from the surface.

How long would a day last if earth were rotating so fast?

With a 1 mph speed increase, the day would only get about a minute and a half shorter and our internal body clocks, which stick to a pretty strict 24-hour schedule, probably wouldn’t notice. But if we were rotating 100 mph faster than usual, a day would be about 22 hours long.

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How fast does the Earth spin weightless?

28,437 kilometres per hour
In order for us to feel weightless, the centrifugal force would need to be ramped up. At the equator, Earth would need to spin at 28,437 kilometres per hour for us to be lifted off into space.

What is the angular velocity of the Earth in its orbit?

What is the angular velocity of the earth in its orbital motion around the sun? This is an approximation as earth turns around its axis every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds, because the 24 hour of a day passes between 2 positions where we face the sun in the same way, and 1 day / 365 is about 4 minutes

How many seconds per day does the Earth rotate?

So we are left with seconds as a unit and so we have 1 times 24 times 60 times 60 which is 86400 seconds per day. The angular speed of the Earth is the number of radians through which it rotates which is 2 π radians— that’s 1 full day of rotation— divided by the time it takes to do that which is 86400 seconds.

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What is the angular speed at the equator?

So the angular speed then is 7.27 times 10 to the minus 5 radians per second. The linear speed on a point at the equator on the surface of the Earth is going to be the radius of the Earth multiplied by this angular speed. So that’s 6.4 times 10 to the 6 meters—radius— times 2 π radians over 86400 seconds which is 470 meters per second.

How do you calculate the period of Earth’s rotation?

The period of Earth’s rotation is the number of seconds it takes for 1 day. So we multiply by 24 hours per day leaving us with units of hours times by 60 minutes per hour leaving us with units of minutes and then convert that into seconds by multiplying by 60 seconds per minute.