
Why did Harry Potter save Malfoy?

Why did Harry Potter save Malfoy?

Harry would later risk his own life to save Draco from the Fiendfyre. Narcissa Malfoy would then lie to Voldemort – an extremely dangerous person to lie to – and spare Harry to hear that her son is alive. Thanks to all of this, Voldemort would be defeated and peace would return to the wizarding world.

Why did Malfoys mom say Harry was dead?

Draco Malfoy’s mother Narcissa was cold, cunning and devoted to the Dark Lord. But she was also a mother, which meant she was willing to risk everything to make sure her son was safe. When Harry survived Voldemort’s Killing Curse for the second time, Narcissa pretended he was dead so she could get to Draco.

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Why did Harry follow Draco into the bathroom?

Throughout the 1996–1997 school year, Draco Malfoy would go to the washroom to find company with Moaning Myrtle, confiding the stress of his mission and fear of failing it. Realising that Harry had been listening, Draco drew his wand, starting a duel, causing various sinks to shatter from their spells.

What did Lucius Malfoy do to Harry Potter?

Lucius is a known practitioner of the Dark Arts with his wand, including Unforgivable Curses. He attempted to perform the Killing Curse on Harry in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but his once-enslaved house-elf Dobby interfered and repelled him. Harry Potter: The Wand Collection – Lucius Malfoy

What happened to the Malfoys at the end of the war?

It was said that Lucius and Narcissa went into the castle, looking for Draco and shouting his name. At the end of the war, Harry went around in his Invisibility Cloak and noticed the Malfoys sitting at a corner, being ignored, and unsure whether to celebrate Voldemort’s death or to continue the war or whatever.

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Why is Narcissa Malfoy a hero in Harry Potter?

This led to Hagrid carrying him to Hogwarts, to the battle, and letting him come back to finally defeat Voldemort. Narcissa Malfoy is not necessarily a hero but she saved his life. Had she told the truth, Harry would’ve died for sure. He was surrounded by Death Eaters and Voldemort.

Why did Lucius Malfoy give Dobby a sock?

At the end of the film version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry tricks Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby a sock. Since this means that his household servant is no longer under his control, this understandably causes Lucius some annoyance. He pulls out his wand and begins to incant a spell