
What personality does it take to be a doctor?

What personality does it take to be a doctor?

A good doctor is also one who is attentive, analytical, brave, calm, cooperative, creative, decisive, energetic, ethical, friendly, gracious, humorous, investigative, knowledgeable, mature, nurturing, observant, passionate, responsible, reassuring, selfless, skillful, trustworthy, vigilant, and wise.

How smart do you need to be to be a doctor?

You have to be smart for sure, probably with an IQ of 125, but equally important is that you need incredible discipline to study. You must be able to spend hours memorizing things and mastering subjects that may seem boring, exasperating, and irrelevant to you.

What qualities do the best doctors have in common?

7 Qualities the best doctors have in common 1. Good doctors are good communicators 2. Good doctors are organized and conscientious 3. Good doctors make patients feel cared for 4. Good doctors are curious 5. Good doctors work together to support patients 6. Good doctors advocate for their patients 7. Good doctors have great bedside manner

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What does it take to be a doctor?

You need to be smart enough to take in and process information; smart enough to ask the right questions, and smart enough to pull on available resources. Once you reach that threshold of intellect, being a good doctor is completely dependent on other personal characteristics such as discipline and passion.

Do you have to be smart to be a doctor?

Students (and medical school admission committees) often fail to realize that you do not have to be as smart as the guy to your right or the girl on your left to be a doctor, you just have to be smart enough.

What should you look for in a family doctor?

“They should answer questions using language that is clear without using too much medical terminology,” says Dr. Lisa Doggett, a family physician. “They should be honest but also offer hope, even when a situation is difficult. And they should help their patients feel empowered to improve their own health.”