Was Odin a bad marvel?

Was Odin a bad marvel?

Odin has played a major role in the MCU as Thor’s father but he has not always been the best mentor and role model for the hero. When it comes to the topic of Odin from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans tend to unanimously agree that he was a bad father who enabled his children to become worse versions of themselves.

What was wrong with Odin?

Due to his exile by Loki, Odin’s power had been slowly draining, so after telling Thor that he loved him, Odin died in a manner fitting a god: his disintegrated into pure energy (the Odinforce) and entered Valhalla.

Is Odin abusive?

Odin is without question an abusive father. He does terrible things to his children when they get out of line. “[The] three best examples are him sending Thor to Earth just because they had an argument. The second is when he told Loki straight[en] up: ‘Your birth right is to die.

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Is Odin good in the MCU?

Superhuman Durability: As the King of Asgard, Odin possessed immeasurable levels of superhuman durability, making him the most durable Asgardian, far stronger than average Asgardians and holding far superior durability to his son Thor and even his first born, Hela.

Why Odin is a bad dad?

By that time , Odin was fed up . His Conquests filled Asgard with gold , making him a great king , it also made his his children not know each other , making him a bad father .

Who killed Odin in MCU?

She confronts her father, asking him why he kept her work a secret, and he remarks at how cold and brutal she has become. Hela then proves him right, stabbing Odin in the chest and killing him. Then, for good measure, she sets about destroying Mjolnir while Loki and Thor escape.

Why did Odin cry in Thor?

Odin, in the Odinsleep, would shed a tear and use his magic to end Thor’s banishment, giving him the power to return to Asgard to confront his brother. Odin reawakens in time to save Thor Loki and Thor would duel on the Rainbow Bridge, after which Loki and Thor would fall off of it.

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Is MCU Odin weak?

14 WEAKER: ODIN In the comics, Odin’s power is nothing less than magnificent. Compared with the might of comic book Odin, MCU Odin pales in comparison. Of course, he’s had a few acts of might. He defeated the Frost Giants when they invaded Earth and made Loki appear to be Asgardian.

Why did Odin get weak?

Either Odin is actually weak due to the fact he never fought war in many years or maybe he is just presented weak here. So, first fact being that asguardians do get weak when they dont fight for long.

Is Odin a good guy?

Because Odin is the true bad guy. Played by Anthony Hopkins, Odin Borson is King of Asgard and protector of the Nine Realms. He’s wise, patient, honourable, compassionate and just. For those reasons, and many more, his people love and worship him.

What would happen if Marvel’s Odin ever met the real Odin?

Odin, the wise, peace-loving father of Thor and the adopted father of Loki, tries to rule over Asgard justly and peacefully in the comics. If this Odin ever met the Odin of Norse myth, Marvel-Odin would get his ass kicked. The original Odin was a war-god who didn’t give two shits for justice, law, or peace.

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Was Odin a good or a bad father?

Odin has played a major role in the MCU as Thor’s father but he has not always been the best mentor and role model for the hero. When it comes to the topic of Odin from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans tend to unanimously agree that he was a bad father who enabled his children to become worse versions of themselves.

Was Thor punished by Odin to walk the Earth?

And obviously, unlike the myth (as well as the recent movies) Thor was never punished by Odin to walk the earth as the lame doctor Donald Blake.

Why did Odin take Loki as his son?

One of the key details from the comics the MCU included was Odin taking Loki in as his son. While he saved the baby’s life, who was left to die by his father, Odin admitted his reason to do so wasn’t out of love or even pity but was a calculated move. His intention had been to mold Loki into becoming a king, specifically the ruler of Jotunheim.