
Who is the real love of Harry Potter?

Who is the real love of Harry Potter?

Harry Potter’s true love is Ginny Weasley.

Who did Harry Potter love the most?

Ginny Weasley. At age eleven Harry saw Ginny for the first time at King’s Cross Station in 1991. However, they did not formally meet until the summer of 1992, at which point it became blatantly clear that Ginny had a huge crush on Harry.

Does Hermione love Harry or Ron?

Of the two of them, it was Hermione who realized she liked Ron first as she dropped heavy hints in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire of her attraction. She fully realized she liked him by the time of the Yule Ball, but didn’t do anything because of Ron’s tactless behavior at the time.

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Who did Harry Potter really love?

While Harry cared for people, he also truly loved several people. Molly Weasley – She was the mother he never knew. She never judged him, her love was unconditional, she protected him, she worried about him. She just loved him for being himself, not Ron’s best friend, or the “Boy who lived” or “The Chosen One”.

Did Harry Potter really love Ginny?

He loved Hermoine as a friend, but could not really be her best friend since he couldn’t deal with sitting in the library all day long. Apart from Ron, he genuinely loved Hagrid, Dumbledore, Molly and Sirius but Ginny comes pretty far behind in the list of people Harry truly loved.

How does Lily and James Potter show Love in Harry Potter?

Through Lily and James’s sacrifices for their son, they demonstrate that family can be a life-saving source of love. Harry’s story starts in the aftermath of his parent’s death. When he is only a year old, an evil wizard named Voldemort goes to the Potter home in order to kill Lily and James.

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Why did Harry Potter Love all the Weasley’s so much?

Harry loved them because they were family. Ginny Weasley – While she may not have been his “first” love she ended up as the love of his life. Hermione – Just like Ron she started as a friend and ended as his family. Sirius – Like Molly, Harry never had a positive father figure.