
Are INTPs drawn to INFPs?

Are INTPs drawn to INFPs?

Because INTPs and INFPs are both introverts who enjoy intellectual pursuits, are imaginative thinkers and value authenticity, they may inevitably become attracted to one another.

What do INTJs like about INFP?

Similarly, INTJs appreciate that INFPs are not only willing to entertain their complex thoughts, but seem genuinely interested in, and capable of understanding, much of what they have to say. They also relish INFPs’ curiosity, eagerness to learn, and explorative spirit.

How do you court an INFP?

INFPs are also attracted to someone who is sincere and honest with them. They find a truly authentic person to be very appealing, where someone who is fake or shallow is quite the opposite for them. INFPs want to be with people who are open about who they are, and who don’t hide behind walls and lies.

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Are INFPs attracted to Intj?

Yes, INTJ’s are attractive to INFP’s. INTJ’s like Ne. It’s the same reason why they fall for ENFP’s and ENTP’s.

Do intjs feel emotions?

INTJs do feel, but they tend to take a pragmatic approach to their emotions, trying to optimize their lives and relationships based on what they can immediately control. They also expect the people in their lives to try to behave rationally.

How do intjs act when they are wrong?

It’s true that INTJs can be absolutely wrong about who a person really is, but they usually learn from experience to trust their intuitive hunches. Right or wrong, if an INTJ thinks you’re in a bad career, relationship, or life trajectory, they’ll probably tell you. Bluntly. 4. Tears and feelings It’s not that INTJs don’t care.

What are INFPs like in love?

INFPs really don’t want to lose their sometimes childlike enthusiasm when it comes to love and dreams. They are natural dreamers and often hopeless romantics, who just want to be capable of going after the things they really want.

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What do INFPs care about in a relationship?

INFPs believe ni holding onto these values, and so for them love should always be a priority in their lives. INFPs do care about a sense of independence and of having things which are their own once they really become comfortable with their relationship. But that doesn’t mean they don’t lose sight of making sure their partner is important to them.