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How colloidal solution is stable?

How colloidal solution is stable?

The stability of a colloidal system is defined by the particles which remain suspended at equilibrium in the solution. Stability is hampered by dynamics of accumulation and sedimentation that are driven by the inclination of the colloid to decrease surface energy. The colloid’s stability is only due to these charges.

Why are colloids stable in water?

Colloid features and origins: The rate surface/volume give colloids very good adsorption properties for the free ions. This phenomenon of ion adsorption involves the presence of electronic charge at their surface which brings about some repulsion forces. That is why colloids are so stable into solution.

Are colloids stable?

This is due to the fact that most colloids are thermodynamically unstable, and their dispersed phase particles tend to aggregate. The stability of colloidal solutions varies in a very wide range: their life lasts from fractions of a second to hundreds of years.

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Is colloidal solution is stable or unstable?

Colloidal dispersion is an inherently thermodynamically unstable system because it tends to minimize surface energy. Hence, the stability of a colloidal system is inevitably linked to a notion of time, defined by process, use and/or application involved.

Why is a solution stable?

In terms of the solution of a differential equation, a function f(x) is said to be stable if any other solution of the equation that starts out sufficiently close to it when x = 0 remains close to it for succeeding values of x. A given equation can have both stable and unstable solutions.

How hydrophobic colloids can be stabilized?

Hydrophobic colloids can be stabilized by adsorption of ions on their surface, as shown in Figure 13.29. (Adsorption refers to adherence to a surface. For example, small droplets of oil are hydrophobic. They do not remain suspended in water; instead, they separate, forming an oil slick on the surface of the water.

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Why are hydrophilic colloids more stable?

Answer: Hydrophilic sols are more stable than hydrophobic sols because they have stronger interactions between the dispersed phase and water (the dispersion medium). Due to stronger interactions with water hydrophilic sol particles get highly solvated.

Which is more stable colloid or suspension?

Explanation: Suspension is more stable. This is because suspension does not mix with each other. The denser particles settle down at the bottom and makes the solution stable.

Is colloid stable or unstable?

Why hydrophilic colloids are stable?

Hydrophilic colloids are stable due to a layer of dispersion medium on their particles. Note: A colloidal solution is a heterogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The colloidal solution is used as therapeutic agents in different areas.

Why hydrophilic is more stable than hydrophobic?