
How was the mechanical teacher different from the human teacher?

How was the mechanical teacher different from the human teacher?

Human teacher is a human being who is skilled and expert in the art and science of teaching children. Mechanical teacher is a computer programmed to teach children of particular age level.

How would you compare a mechanical teacher to a human teacher the fun they had?

Answer: Mechanical teacher was just a machine or computer which can teach but according to the level set without any kind of emotions whereas human teacher can make learning more easier according to the level of students who can understand their emotions as well.

Why robot teachers are better than human teachers?

Human teachers are extraordinarily skillful in strong sensory feelings called emotions. Well, despite their skills in language and mathematics, however, the robots’ inability to maintain discipline among primary school children means that the human teachers’ jobs are safe for the time being at least.

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What was wrong with the mechanical teacher?

Answer: The thing that was wrong with Margie’s mechanical teacher was that the course which Margie was learning was too fast for her to study. He slow down the geography sector of the teacher. Margie’s mechanical teacher was not functioning properly.

Can a mechanical teacher replace a human teacher?

the mechanical teacher cannot replace human teacher because mechanical teacher do not have understanding for the student’s emotions and feelings. Where as a human teacher can understand a student well, he can understand his ideas, strength and weaknesses.

Do you like to prefer mechanical or real teacher Why?

Answer: I would like to taught by a human teacher . I choose the human teacher , because technology can be more easier but the way of learning through human teacher is more beneficial , as they can understand our skills and can teach us according to our capacities.

Why did Margie hate her mechanical teacher?

Answer: Margie hated school because it was not fun. She had a mechanical teacher who used to teach her every day at a fixed time in her house. She hated the part when she had to insert the homework and test papers in the slot on the mechanical teacher.

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Who repaired the mechanical teacher describe that person?

Answer: County inspector was a round little man with a red face and a box of tools with dials and wires and he repair the mechanical teacher.

Do you prefer mechanical or real teacher Why?

Is the mechanical teacher better than the human teacher?

The mechanical teacher doesn’t do any mistakes so it’s good, but no one can ask any questions. Today, the students learn with a human teacher, I think that’s better. I know sometimes, the human teachers do some mistakes, but that’s better because we can ask questions and they have feelings.

What is the difference between mechanical and real teaching?

In the class the pupils can learn from each other, but when you sit alone nobody helps you. The mechanical teacher doesn’t have feelings and it can’t understand the pupil, it gives the pupil the material, the test and homework but it doesn’t give the pupil a human touch like a real teacher can do. Another example is the building.

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What are the pros and cons of mechanical education?

● There’s no need of attending school when if we are taught by the mechanical teacher whereas vital activity of making friends and relations with the realistic human teacher will get lost,though,studying from home is much easier.

What is mechmechanical teacher?

Mechanical teacher is a computer programmed to teach children of particular age level. Brad Henry, an American politician has rightly said, “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” A great human teacher can do miracles, which no one else can do.