Why the office is the best show of all time?

Why the office is the best show of all time?

These are the reasons why it is the best show ever:

  • The Storyline. For a show as funny as The Office, the storyline is surprisingly good.
  • The Humor. It is a TV comedy after all, and the actors and show writers all gave award-winning performances.
  • Steve Carell.
  • The Style.
  • Dwight Schrute.

Why do you like the office?

It’s a great show, easily one of the funniest shows ever. Also, if you’ve worked in an office you might relate to it and at least one of the characters would remind you of any of your colleagues. It’s hilarious and the raw, abrupt humor is so on point that you cannot help but laugh loudly.

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Why is the office so relatable?

The reason the show is so relatable is thanks to one decision made right from the start: that it would be a mockumentary. A mockumentary is when the character interacts directly with the audience through the camera. It makes the show a real stand-out compared to the rest because it makes the show feel so much realer.

Is the office worth watching?

The Office is a comedy and romance. It is absolutely hilarious, they do not fail to make you chuckle every single episode. You get really attached to the characters and love every minute of it. I’m not a fan of romance but watching this was perfect, you really get hooked to the characters and relationships.

Whats more popular The Office or friends?

The Office Beats Out Friends as the Most Watched Licensed Show on Netflix — See the Top 10.

Is The Office the best sitcoms ever?

The US version of The Office has been scientifically determined to be the funniest sitcom. The Office came out on top, with an average of one minute and 45 seconds of laughter per hour.

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Why did Steve Carell leave office?

According to ‘An Oral History of The Office’, NBCUniversal simply let Carell go without a fight, leaving Dunder Mifflin Scranton without its regional manager. Carell reportedly discussed leaving The Office with original showrunner Greg Daniels on the set of season six finale ‘Whistleblower’.

Is The Office real or fake?

A complete script was written for each episode; however, actors were given opportunities to improvise during filming. Fischer said, “Our shows are 100 percent scripted. They put everything down on paper.

What is wrong with The Office?

But the biggest problem with The Office is the main character himself, Michael Scott (not counting the seasons where he wasn’t in the show). Michael Scott is racist. If he was just a racist, homophobic, sexist character, that would be fine; after all, there are racist, homophobic, sexist people in real life.

Why do we love ‘the office’ so much?

Pamela Rutledge, the director of the Media Psychology Research Center, has an idea that goes deeper than just loving Michael’s one-liners or Jim and Pam’s love story. ” The Office is an ensemble production, which means there are multiple psychological access points and emotional hooks to enter the world,” she tells me via email.

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Do you watch ‘the office’ over and over again?

We can now watch — or rewatch — whatever we’re in the mood for at any given time. And there’s one show in particular that people just seem to love watching over and over again: “ The Office .”

Why is everyone obsessed with ‘the office’?

” The Office is an ensemble production, which means there are multiple psychological access points and emotional hooks to enter the world,” she tells me via email. “People can identify with all sorts of situations in the context of office politics and interpersonal relationships.”

Why do people still watch ‘the office’?

Bustle Associate TV Editor Martha Sorren thinks the setting of the show provides a soothing quality that keeps people coming back. “I have a theory that the contained set is a large part of why people rewatch The Office ,” she says. “You always know exactly what it’s going to look like, who sits where, and what’s going to happen when.