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What is the relationship between force and motion?

What is the relationship between force and motion?

A net force on an object changes its motion – the greater the net force, the greater the acceleration. More massive objects require bigger net forces to accelerate the same amount as less massive objects.

What are examples of force and motion?

Motion is when an object moves from one place to another, while force is what causes an object to move or to stop moving. Examples of force include the kick that causes a ball to move across the field and the gravity that slows and eventually stops that ball from moving.

What is the difference between motion and force of friction?

Difference between motion and force of friction: Motion is described as the change in position or the displacement of a moving body. While the force of friction is described as the force which acts in the opposite direction of the motion. No contacts of surfaces of the objects is required for motion.

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What is the study of motion and force?

The general study of the relationships between motion, forces, and energy is called mechanics . The branch of mechanics that deals with both motion and forces together is called dynamics and the study of forces in the absence of changes in motion or energy is called statics .

How do you explain motion to a child?

In science, motion is a change in position compared to a place or an object that is not moving. The place or object that is not moving is called the frame of reference. Motion is a kind of puzzle because every object in the universe is in motion. This means that no frame of reference is correct in every situation.

What is the difference between motion and rest?

Rest and Motion Definitions Rest: An object is said to be at rest if it does not change its position with respect to its surroundings with time. Motion: An object is said to be in motion if the position changes with respect to it surrounding and time.