Tips and tricks

Which superhero has a no kill policy?

Which superhero has a no kill policy?

Batman’s “no kill” rule was necessary after he committed murder in his first few comic appearances, and pop culture has never been the same. Batman didn’t always have a problem with murdering criminals, but the introduction of his famous “no kill” rule changed pop culture forever.

Has MCU Spider-Man killed?

Spider-Man in the MCU hasn’t killed anyone before. At least anyone that we would care enough as a human being. Though one could argue Stark changed by the time he took in Peter Parker as his ward, he’s still the guy who installed an “Instant Kill” feature on the boy’s costume.

How would Batman defeat Spider-Man?

Batman has stealth based fighting, projectiles, and explosives. All of which Spider-Man is familiar with, plus his spider sense counters stealth perfectly. So Batman would defeat him if was aware of Spider-Man, with out being known himself. (Because that would give Spider-Man time to prep as well.)

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Could Batman be compared to Spiderman?

Batman is peak human, at best. His physical and mental capabilities are the pinnacle that an unenhanced or unaugmented human can attain. Spiderman is superhuman in these same capacities. He can move and react much, much more quickly than Batman could begin to cope with. To Spiderman’s enhanced senses and In no case.

Is Spiderman superhuman or superhuman?

Spiderman is superhuman in these same capacities. He can move and react much, much more quickly than Batman could begin to cope with. To Spiderman’s enhanced senses and reaction capabilities, Batman would look like he is moving in slow motion. And please, oh please, Bat-Boys, spare me the “prep time” argument.

What is the gulf between Batman and Spider-Man?

The gulf between Batman and Spiderman would be even broader and more expansive than the gulf between Phelps and the shark. Batman is the most over-hyped, over-blown, and over-rated character in the history of comic books. Whereas he was once the world’s greatest detective, he is now the world’s greatest EVERYTHING.