Tips and tricks

Why HP laptops are not good?

Why HP laptops are not good?

The reason they’re so bad is because they constantly sacrifice reliability and functionality for lower costs. The low prices are a fraud. Don’t spend $500 on a HP laptop with the specs of a $800 non-HP one.

Are HP laptops unreliable?

Through it all, HP has earned a reputation for reliable laptops with very competent customer service. Customer support options place HP in the top five of all manufacturers. With options for up to three years of comprehensive warranty, you can net yourself some serious protection for your new laptop, too.

Are HP laptops slow?

As we all know that HP laptops become slow with a period. These are some of the common reasons, (too many programs running at once, running out of disk space, software issues, virus/malware occurs, hardware issues, overheating burning your laptop, faulty or outdated data and improper using behavior).

What laptop brand is best?

Top Laptop Brands

  • Apple. Apple is definitely one of the luxury brands when it comes to Laptops, Smartphones, Computers and Tablets.
  • HP. HP also known as Hewlett-Packard is one of the oldest electronics brands that is not as popular as it used to be.
  • Lenovo.
  • Dell.
  • Acer.
  • Asus.
  • MSI.
  • Microsoft Surface.
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Why do people like Macs so much?

While there are a zillion different styles of PC out there, pretty much everyone agrees that the style, elegance, and just plain “hipness” of the Mac has yet to be beat. They just look cool. Most importantly, because they can stay out of the “I can make it cheaper” fray in the PC world, Apple’s quality is second-to-none.

What are the most common problems with HP laptops?

The majority of laptops, by volume, produced by HP suffer from a few design issues, most prominently overheating, and things relating to easily breaking. Note that all laptop companies produce cheap, crappy laptops and expensive high end nice laptops, with laptops, as with many things, you often get what you pay for.

Why do so many people prefer windows over Apple?

Those kind of people like Windows on the front end as well because they understand all the crazy intricacies and complications of the computer system. Apple isn’t nearly as big in the IT world, and that’s okay, because its front end user interface for “the rest of us” doesn’t require us to be computer whizzes to get things done.

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Are portable computers a support Nightmare?

To be sure, portable computers have changed the way business operates, so much so that we literally cannot imagine a work life without them. That said, IT professionals, whether they’re dealing with accident-prone users or keeping the network secure, say laptops are nothing short of a support nightmare.