Which types mistype as INTJ?

Which types mistype as INTJ?

The INTJ is often mistyped as INTP, INFJ, ISTJ and ENTJs. Each mistaken type happens for its specific reasons, and so it is important to understand their similarities and differences so that you can accurately compare them.

Which MBTI types overthink the most?

Stereotypically, probably INTPs and INFPs are the most likely to overthink, by the two definitions of overthinking I describe above.

Can Infp mistyped as INTJ?

It’s quite common for people with the INFP personality to mistype themselves, especially when taking a personality assessment for the first time or reading basic descriptions of the personality types without understanding the functions. When I first took the official MBTI assessment, I was mistyped as an INTJ.

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Why does the MBTI mistype individuals?

Lastly, the MBTI will mistype individuals due to a lack of consideration of exceptional circumstances such as those brought by a mental illness. General anxiety, depression, mania, avoidant personality disorder and other conditions will greatly alter the expression of type.

Is there a free version of the Myers Briggs personality test?

Easy—take our in-depth personality type test! THE FINE PRINT: Myers-Briggs® and MBTI® are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. Truity offers a free personality test based on Myers and Briggs’ types, but does not offer the official MBTI® assessment.

What are the most common types of mistyping?

As you can see the majority of mistypings are magnetically headed in the direction of the four INxx types. A real ESFJ (FeSi) will mistype as an ENFJ (FeNi), and a real ENFJ will mistype as an INFJ (NiFe).

Which Myers-Briggs Type are you most likely to mistype?

Here’s Which Myers-Briggs Type You’re Most Likely To Mistype As 1 INFJ. Why the mistype happens: Extroverted feeling feeds off the emotions of others, which means that INFJs require a great deal of social time in order to remain emotionally stable. 2 ENFJ. 3 INFP. 4 ENFP. 5 Turn the page for Rational, Artisan and Guardian Mistypes