
Is it OK to be on antidepressants forever?

Is it OK to be on antidepressants forever?

Do I have to take antidepressants forever is a question that some ask as they struggle with depression. This is one of the more common myths associated with the condition. You do not need to take antidepressants forever nor do you need to get a prescription from a counselor or therapist.

How long can you be on the same antidepressants?

It’s usually recommended that a course of antidepressants continues for at least 6 months after you feel better, to prevent your condition recurring when you stop. Some people with recurrent illness are advised to carry on taking medicine indefinitely.

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Does long-term antidepressant use cause dementia?

Our findings indicate that antidepressant use is significantly associated with an increased risk of developing dementia. Therefore, we suggest physicians to carefully prescribe antidepressants, especially in elder patients. Additionally, treatment should be stopped if any symptoms related to dementia are to be noticed.

Do antidepressants have long-term side effects?

As previously mentioned, antidepressants could have long-term effects on physical as well as mental health. Specifically, weight gain seems to be a common long-term risk, especially the medications that affect serotonin levels. This could be due to the fact that serotonin is associated with an increase in appetite.

Is it safe to take SSRI long-term?

SSRIs are generally considered safe to take long-term, says Maurizio Fava, executive vice chair of the department of psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital.

What is the best anti-depressant with the least side effects?

Remeron. MayoClinic.com: Antidepressants: Which cause the fewest sexual side effects?

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  • Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin,known generically as bupropion,is one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants in the United States.
  • Celexa.
  • Effexor XR.
  • What are the side effects of stopping antidepressants?

    Stopping an antidepressant might worsen other symptoms associated with your depression such as headaches, pain, or insomnia. Additionally, untreated depression can make it harder for you to manage other health problems. Other symptoms of antidepressant withdrawal include: anxiety. fatigue. nightmares. trouble sleeping.

    What are the long term effects of depressants?

    Long-term use of depressants can produce depression, chronic fatigue, breathing difficulties, sexual problems and sleep problems. As a dependency on the drug increases, cravings, anxiety or panic are common if the user is unable to get more. Withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, weakness and nausea.

    Should I take an antidepressant?

    Antidepressants are a popular treatment choice for depression. Although antidepressants may not cure depression, they can reduce symptoms. The first antidepressant you try may work fine. But if it doesn’t relieve your symptoms or it causes side effects that bother you, you may need to try another. So don’t give up.