
How do you witness to someone about Jesus?

How do you witness to someone about Jesus?

The way we act, speak, look, and even think should reflect Him and His ways. We are witnesses of Jesus Christ when we talk to others about our feelings about Him. We are witnesses of Jesus Christ when we live with a happy outlook that shows our faith in Him.

How can a teenage girl get closer to God?

Be patient and trust. Meanwhile, pray for and with your teen, let them know that you are petitioning on behalf of their lives and their journey towards God. Love your teenagers and share the reason for your hope. Never cease praying over your children and their spiritual journey.

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How can I help a friend who doesn’t believe in God?

As you follow the Spirit, continue to invite her to church and to learn more about why God is important in your life because one day she will be open to believing. During my mission preparation, I have had many friends say they do not believe in God. When I hear them say this, I find myself praying for them.

How can I grow in my friendship with God?

Here are 8 ways you can grow your friendship with God 1. Make time to draw close to Him Scripture records that “ [t]he Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks… 2. Revere Him While we can enjoy closeness with God, our intimacy with Him is also built on a deep reverence for Him. 3.

What does the Bible say about friendship with others?

One of the most famous verses about friendship with Jesus is from John 15:13-15, where Jesus says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.

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How do I talk to a friend who doesn’t believe in anything?

You can get a sense for her beliefs by talking about what inspires her and what really matters to her. Build on common ground. For instance, if she believes service is a good idea, you could invite her to a ward service project. Even though your friend does not believe right now, she is still a good person.