Tips and tricks

Is Hagwon required?

Is Hagwon required?

Hagwons require that prospective employees possess a BA/BS degree from an accredited college or university, citizenship from a native English-speaking country, and TEFL certification is strongly preferred. Hagwons will also require an FBI criminal background check that must come back clear.

Do all Korean students go to hagwon?

Most young children in South Korea attend a hagwon. Children of all ages often attend hagwons, even pre-school aged children. It is not uncommon for students to be enrolled in several hagwons of different subject areas at once in addition to their normal school attendance.

What are the benefits of an international school for study?

International schools promote international topics of education, building a strong foundation of cultural understanding. Studying a curriculum like the IB Diploma or Cambridge International Examinations can give students the chance to learn more about new cultures and the world beyond the classroom.

Can Koreans go to international schools?

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For South Koreans there are limits to how many can attend ‘foreign schools’ but apart from that, they are essentially the same. In reality you are likely to find a good mix of international and local students in both school types just as you would in most other countries.

Are hagwons hiring?

Employment opportunities in the private school sector, known as hagwons in Korea, are available throughout the year, although the largest number of jobs become available at the beginning of the first and second semester – February and August respectively.

How much do hagwons pay?

Salaries for English teachers in Korea that work at private language centers, called Hagwons, range anywhere from 1.9 to 2.4 million won, or about $1600 to $2000 USD, per month. Hagwons aren’t as regulated as public schools, so you’ll see a lot of variation in pay.

How much do hagwons cost?

The average cost of sending one’s child to hagwon academies was ₩429,000 per month. As the price per hagwon is usually around ₩300,000 per month, it means that the average student will attend at least one or two hagwons.

Are hagwons really that bad?

Private Academies or Hagwons (학원) do have a slightly bad reputation within the foreign community. This is often justified and we’ve personally worked at a couple of poorly managed and run Hagwons (to put it politely). However they aren’t all bad and there are a number of positive aspects to working at one.

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What is the difference between international school and normal school?

An international school provides a curriculum that is not the national curriculum of the country it is located in. The most common national curricula used in international schools are the National Curriculum of England, or an American curriculum, or adapted versions of these.

Is International School in Korea hard?

Most international schools in Korea are academically challenging with many of the Korean students who attend international schools participating in after-school and private institution math and English classes.

Is it hard to get into international schools?

Because most colleges are need-aware to international students, it’s harder to gain admission since these schools reject some students purely because those students can’t afford the cost of attendance. However, just because you can pay doesn’t mean that getting in will be as easy as it is for a domestic student.

What are private academies (hagwons)?

Private academies, also known as Hagwons, are more likely to function as a business than a school. Teachers will often get paid more here, and work with more foreign teachers as they will often be completely English-focused schools. Students will go to a Hagwon for kindergarten or arrive there after school for English-intensive classes.

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What are the requirements to work at a hagwon?

Hagwons require that prospective employees possess a BA/BS degree from an accredited college or university, citizenship from a native English-speaking country, and TEFL certification is strongly preferred. Hagwons will also require an FBI criminal background check that must come back clear.

Should students study in a foreign country?

On top of that, studying in a foreign country allows the student to become immersed in a new culture. It could be argued studying in a state school will allow them to pick up a new language and understand a new culture quicker, but the child may first run the risk of feeling isolated, which could lead to regression in their education.

Why study in an international school?

Many international schools have cultural appreciation classes, so the very fact its student cohort comprises many nationalities creates a heightened awareness of cultures the student may never have gained in a state school.