
What is the difference between an oxymoron and a paradox?

What is the difference between an oxymoron and a paradox?

An oxymoron is the conjunction of two words with meanings that contradict each other. While a paradox is the opposition of ideas or themes, an oxymoron is a contradiction merely between words. An example of oxymoron in literature can be found in William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

What is irony paradox and oxymoron?

The irony is when an action or speech is the complete opposite of what it is expected to do or mean. The job of irony is to give an emphatic or humorous effect. A paradox is a statement that contradicts its actual meaning and contains a little bit of truth. A paradox is closely related to the oxymoron.

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What is another word for a paradox?

What is another word for paradox?

contradiction absurdity
anomaly enigma
incongruity inconsistency
mystery oddity
puzzle ambiguity

Is Deafening silence a paradox?

An oxymoron is a description of something that comprises two contradictory terms, such as “jumbo shrimp” or “deafening silence.” A paradox on the other hand is a description of something that at first seems to make sense but then makes the reader reconsider because there is something strange about it.

What is the synonym and antonym of paradox?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms paradox. Synonyms: contradiction, enigma, mystery, absurdity, ambiguity. Antonyms: precept, proposition, axiom, truism, postulate.

Are all contradictions paradoxes?

A contradiction is something that cannot be true, because it refutes its premises. In the strictest sense, a paradox is something that can be neither be true nor false, because refuting the premises provides an equally false set of premises.

What is an antonym of paradox?

paradox | definition: (logic) a statement that contradicts itself | synonyms: contradiction in terms, contradiction| antonyms: truth

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What is the best example of paradox?

The definition of a paradox is something that seems contradictory or unbelievable, but may or may not be true. An example of paradox is going to war to bring about peace. An example of paradox is loving someone so much, you push them away.

What is the meaning of word “paradox”?

The term paradox is from the Greek word paradoxon, which means “contrary to expectations, existing belief, or perceived opinion.”. It is a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or silly, but which may include a latent truth.

What is an oxymoron and a paradox?

paradox | oxymoron |. is that paradox is a self-contradictory statement, which can only be true if it is false, and vice versa{{jump|self-contradictory statement|t|u}} while oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two words with opposing meanings are used together intentionally for effect.