
Who said I was born in a poor family?

Who said I was born in a poor family?

Anupam Kher Quotes I was born in a poor family, a lower middle class family.

What does it mean to be born into a family?

be born into/to/of something (=be born in a particular situation, type of family etc) One third of all children are born into single-parent families. be born with something (=have a particular disease, type of character etc since birth) Jenny was born with a small hole in her heart.

What is the strongest word for poor?


  • needy,
  • pauperized,
  • penniless,
  • penurious,
  • poverty-stricken,
  • skint.
  • [chiefly British],
  • threadbare.

What does it mean if you are born poor its not your mistake?

See below for Inspiring Bill Gates Quotes: So what does that mean if you are born poor its not your mistake? Really its not up to you which family you are born into. You could be born into a royal family and never work a day in your life, or you could be born into poverty.

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What happens when a kid is born in a rich family?

When a kid is born in a rich family, it seems like that she or he owns the best things. All these basic necessities of life are easy for the rich to get. A rich family’s children have a better foundation to make their dream come true and do what they want to do.

What do poor children need to make a living?

Poor children need to try their best to make a living. They cherish every opportunity to study and earn extra money to help their poor families. What’s worse, some children don’t have a chance to go to school, to see the big world or learn what about the things they are really interest in.

Why don’t more people become rich from being born into poverty?

Most people will not earn that much (that’s why it’s the top 20\%, not the middle, or the average), let alone those who are born into poverty. Because it generally takes more than just hard work.