What was the Tarkin Doctrine?

What was the Tarkin Doctrine?

Type. For other uses, see Tarkin (disambiguation). The doctrine was rooted in Tarkin’s theory of “Rule by Fear”—the contention that overwhelming displays of force, rather than force itself, were the most effective means of maintaining internal security and the loyalty of vassal worlds.

Did Palpatine like Tarkin?

The Emperor would have considered Tarkin as his kind of guy. One capable of murdering millions of people without any shred of remorse. If Tarkin had had any Force sensitivity, Sidious would have made him his apprentice. Pretty sure he was pleased that the weapon worked perfectly and that an enemy planet was destroyed.

Why did Vader respect Tarkin?

Tarkin was the authority on the Death Star and because there was some mutual respect between him and Vader, enough that when he tells Vader not to kill somebody over a petty slight, Vader listens.

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Why did Tarkin join the empire?

Tarkin was promoted throughout the Clone Wars – partly a result of his general shrewdness – and became Admiral in 19 BBY, around a year after his rescue from the Citadel Prison. In 14 BBY Tarkin was made a Grand Moff, a high-ranking title with political and military responsibilities held by only a few.

Who said fear will keep them in line?

Tarkin saw the Death Star as a way to crush all dissent to the Empire’s rule — fear of the station’s planet-killing superlaser would keep the galaxy’s star systems in line. He demonstrated the station’s power by destroying Alderaan, but died soon afterwards when the Death Star itself was destroyed.

What year was the second Death Star destroyed?

It was replaced by a second Death Star, which was destroyed at the end of 1983’s Return Of The Jedi after the Rebel Alliance capitalized on a structural weakness. In 2015’s The Force Awakens (AKA Meet The New Hope, Same As The Old Hope), the First Order’s base of operations is a mobile ice planet.

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Did Tarkin hate the Republic?

Wilhuff Tarkin was a human male politician, bureaucrat, and military officer whose career spanned the Fall of the Republic and the Age of the Empire. He staunchly opposed the Jedi Order’s role as leaders in the Grand Army of the Republic, believing that peacekeepers should not direct the Republic war effort.

What is the Tarkin Doctrine and why is it important?

The Tarkin Doctrine was the name that the media gave to a statement made by Wilhuff Tarkin during an interview following his promotion from Moff to the first Grand Moff by the Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, five years after the formation of the Empire. It outlined his beliefs about why the Republic had needed…

What is Tarkin’s rule by fear?

The doctrine was rooted in Tarkin’s theory of “Rule by Fear”—the contention that overwhelming displays of force, rather than force itself, were the most effective means of maintaining internal security and the loyalty of vassal worlds.

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What is Tarkin’s theory on state terrorism?

The transmission detailed Tarkin’s concept of maintaining order and increasing security within the Galactic Empire by means of state terrorism. It became one of the most important documents regarding Imperial policy. “The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”

How did Tarkin feel about Sienar’s design?

Tarkin saw Sienar’s design, improved with the addition of a weapon powerful enough to seriously damage a planet, as the solution to this strategic conundrum: no world, he believed, would dare harbor pirates or defy central authority if the punishment was the destruction of their planet.