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Do you believe Socrates was a real person or a made up legend from ancient Greece?

Do you believe Socrates was a real person or a made up legend from ancient Greece?

Socrates was an ancient Greek philosopher, one of the three greatest figures of the ancient period of Western philosophy (the others were Plato and Aristotle), who lived in Athens in the 5th century BCE.

What is Socrates quote?

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” “The unexamined life is not worth living.” “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

What can you say about Socrates in his line I know that I know nothing?

5) I know that I know nothing – a motto of humility From the perspective of Socrates, any knowledge or information he did have was likely to be insignificant (or even completely false) compared to how much was left to be discovered.

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How did Socrates contribute to philosophy?

Socrates’ most important contribution to Western philosophy was his technique for arguing a point, known as the Socratic technique, which he applied to many things such as truth and justice. The Socratic technique is a negative strategy for gradually disproving unwanted theories, leaving you with the most logical one.

What are some famous quotes from Socrates?

Socrates > Quotes. Socrates. > Quotes. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”. “The unexamined life is not worth living.”. “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”. “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.”.

Is it Socrates or Plato that I Know Nothing?

Because of this, it’s almost impossible to separate the true Socrates from Plato. One interesting interpretation of “I know that I know nothing”, is that the phrase could actually belong to Plato, alluding to one of his ideas: the theory of forms.

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What is the Socratic problem and why does it matter?

The Socratic problem is a rat’s nest of complexities arising from the fact that various people wrote about Socrates whose accounts differ in crucial respects, leaving us to wonder which, if any, are accurate representations of the historical Socrates.

Is there anyone wiser than Socrates?

A good friend of Socrates, once asked the Oracle at Delphi “is anyone wiser than Socrates?” The Oracle answered “No one.” This greatly puzzled Socrates, since he claimed to possess no secret information or wise insight. As far as Socrates was concerned, he was the most ignorant man in the land.