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What is a real educated person?

What is a real educated person?

Thus, a person may be considered to be educated if he develops his knowledge and skills in such a way which ultimately results into his positive contribution in community life. Acquiring knowledge and using it for the happiness and goodness of the society really makes a person educated.

Who is an educated man?

The educated man is a man with certain subtle spiritual qualities which make him calm in adversity, happy when alone, just in his dealings, rational and sane in the fullest meaning of that word in all the affairs of his life.”

Who is a literate person?

The definition of literate is someone who can read and write, or someone who is educated in a specific area of knowledge. A person who is well-educated is an example of someone who would be described as literate. Well-educated; having or showing extensive knowledge, learning, or culture.

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What is neo literate person?

A neo-literate is an adult or an. adolescent who did not or could not make use of the available educational opportunities on time, and who at a later stage acquired the skills of literacy through formal or non-formal approaches. Majority of neo-literates are economically poor and live in rural areas or urban slums.

Who is educated illiterate?

This term seems out of touch. Normally people who cannot read and write are termed as illiterate. So an educated person who can read and write can he be termed as illiterate.

What is literacy education?

Literacy is a process by which one expands one’s knowledge of reading and writing in order to develop one’s thinking and learning for the purpose of understanding oneself and the world. This process is fundamental to achieving competence in every educational subject.

What is the meaning of neo cyclist?

Answer: The term ‘neo-cyclists’ in the lesson ‘Where There is a Wheel’, refers to all those rural women in the Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu, who have taken to bicycling as a symbol of independence, freedom, and mobility.

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What are synonyms literate?

synonyms for literate

  • cultured.
  • educated.
  • knowledgeable.
  • cultivated.
  • instructed.
  • learned.
  • lettered.
  • scholarly.

What is an educated person?

Education creates what we define as educated people. Although, you don’t have to have a higher education to be considered educated. Sometimes, as long as you have the mere want to be successful and create an impact, that is all you need to be considered one of the most educated.

Who is the most educated person in the world?

As long as an inspirational person is able to make some sort of impact throughout the course of their life, they are considered the most educated. In other words, they are influential in the morals they teach others. Education is important in our society, as it allows people to be more aware of what is happening in the world.

What are the expectations of educated people?

There are expectations on what we consider educated people. Another plausible expectation when it comes to education is the importance of understanding what is happening in the world. There are many people who don’t know what is happening to our atmosphere, why racism still exists and why there are tuition hikes at their college campus.

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Are You an inspirational person if you have an education?

If we can make an impact, regardless on if we have an education, we can still be inspirational. As long as an inspirational person is able to make some sort of impact throughout the course of their life, they are considered the most educated. In other words, they are influential in the morals they teach others.