Tips and tricks

Is it better to date a less attractive guy?

Is it better to date a less attractive guy?

*Clears throat. * Women who date men that are less attractive tend to be happier. This surprising conclusion comes out of a Florida State University study where doctoral student Tania Reynolds and Assistant Professor of Psychology Andrea Meltzer examined 113 newlywed couples in their late twenties (seen via Maxim).

Does being less available make you more attractive?

Research shows that a person’s most attractive trait is their availability. Confidence is a plus, too, but availability wins, hands down.

Should you date an unattractive guy?

When you date an unattractive guy, you’ll more than likely feel safe and secure — and that means never worrying about the nanny. What he lacks in looks, he will more than make up for in bed. Trust me. Some of the best sex I’ve ever had was with average-looking dudes.

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How do you know if a man is less attractive?

No games, no guessing. When it comes down to it, a man who is less attractive than his partner knows he can’t offer you a lot in genetics; instead, he amps up the emotional support, reliability, and kindness, which is what women really want anyway.

Do you think a less conventionally attractive guy is more intelligent?

The less conventionally attractive a guy is, the more likely he is to develop other areas and aspects of his personality because he can’t rely solely on his #blessed looks. That’s why the average-looking dude at the bar is probably more intelligent, self-confident, and funny than the hunk sitting beside him.

Why do attractive men cheat?

They cheated because they could, and they knew they could. A less attractive guy won’t mess around on you because he’s just not built that way. Literally. Men with more testosterone are consistently rated more handsome than other men, and men with more testosterone are 38\% more likely to cheat.