
Do you have to wait for the green arrow?

Do you have to wait for the green arrow?

In general, the red arrow means that all turns in the direction of the arrow are prohibited. You must wait for a green signal before turning.

Can you be in the intersection waiting to make a left hand turn?

Again, the answer is the same as the first example: “You may enter the intersection to prepare for your left turn if the light is green and no other vehicle ahead of you is preparing for a left turn.”

Who has right of way person turning right or left?

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If you’re turning left at a four-way stop or uncontrolled intersection, you should give the right-of-way to any oncoming drivers going straight, even if you got there first. Why is this? This rule decreases the overall time all drivers spend at the intersection.

When waiting to turn left at an intersection it is safest to?

Drivers must wait for a safe gap in oncoming traffic before turning. If a vehicle ahead of you is signaling for a left turn, slow down and prepare to stop.

What is the best position to take when making an unprotected left turn in heavy traffic?

An unprotected left turn (no green arrow, but solid green light) must yield to oncoming traffic. Proceed to the middle of the intersection on the green light and wait with your tires straight (in case of a rear end collision you will not be pushed into oncoming traffic) until the way is clear for you to turn.

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Is it safe to make a left turn with a Green Arrow?

If a driver is making a left turn with a green arrow indicating it’s safe to go left, it’s safe to assume the light controlling oncoming traffic is red. If an accident occurs in this situation, it’s because the driver going straight ran a red light or failed to yield to the proper road lights and/or signs.

Is it always the other driver’s fault when a Green Arrow turns red?

It’s almost always that driver’s fault, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be the other driver’s fault. If a driver is making a left turn with a green arrow indicating it’s safe to go left, it’s safe to assume the light controlling oncoming traffic is red.

Why is there no turn arrow at a left turn intersection?

The reason for that difference at an intersection without the turn arrow is to make sure you, as the left turning driver when the light turns yellow or red, can clear the intersection safely before cross traffic starts moving.

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What happens when you have a green light and turn right?

If the driver in the car turning right has a green light at the same time as you when you attempt to make a left, then you, in the car turning left, must yield the right of away to the right turning driver.