Tips and tricks

How can I get my Neighbours to cut down a tree?

How can I get my Neighbours to cut down a tree?

If the land belongs to the local council, contact them to request that the tree is cut down or pruned. If you are unable to contact the land owner or they refuse to take action, contact your local council’s Environmental Health Office.

Can I cut tree roots on my property in India?

exercise the common law right of abatement—your right to remove overhanging branches and roots to your boundary line. decide whether to return the lopped branches, roots or fruit to your neighbour, or dispose of them yourself. You do not have to return anything you trim from the neighbour’s tree but you may do so.

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Can I cut tree branches overhanging my property in India?

“The owner of a tree has no right to allow its branches to overhang the land of his neighbour. If he does so the neighbour can cut the branches so long as he could do so without entering upon the land of the owner of the tree.

Is it legal to pick fruit hanging over a fence in India?

If fruit is hanging into your yard from your neighbour’s tree, can you take it? “It’s governed by the Dividing Fences and Tree Act of 2011 that regulates overhanging trees onto private land. “It gives you the legal right to remove branches and if be it the fruit that’s attached to the branches.

Why do coconut trees grow so tall?

The reason why coconut trees grow so tall is: Their seed dispersal is through sea water in natural circumstances. They grow in tropical regions of the world. When a nut becomes ripe enough, its pericarp fibres become totally dry along with its pith. This ensures that its dry and will float in sea water.

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What is the use of coconut tree?

Coconut tree (Cocos Nucifera) does not have any branches. Its leaves are used for thatching huts. The rib of its fond is used to make brooms. Tender coconut water is highly refreshing and it levels the PH of the stomach. Coconut is tapped to get toddy. From toddy Vinegar is made.

Why do we use coconut leaves for building huts?

It is because every part of the coconut tree is useful. The leaves are matted and used as building material for roof and side wall in the huts.The sticks from dried leaves will be made into broomstick. Fans are made from the young leaves . Baskets are weaved from leaves.