
Can you be Buddhist and have tattoos?

Can you be Buddhist and have tattoos?

Yes, Buddhist monks can get tattoos! Perhaps the most famous example of this are the monks of Wat Bang Phra. The Buddhist monks of this Thailand based temple practice the sacred art of Sak Yant tattoos. They are both great examples of many Europeans and Westerners who have embraced the Buddhist way as well as tattoos….

Is it illegal to have a Buddha tattoo in Thailand?

The Thais are famously welcoming to visitors. Nor is any sort of tattoo illegal under Thai law. But Thais consider the head sacred and the feet profane, and some foreigners get Buddhist tattoos below the waist, which can upset Thais.

Can you convert from Christianity to Buddhism?

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Converting to Buddhism. Converting to Buddhism is less a physical act or ritual (like baptism in the case of Christianity) and more a spiritual change of heart. The tenets of Buddhism generally prevent Buddhists from actively converting those of other religions, so any conversion is a very personal and simple affair.

Can I go to a Buddhist temple if I have converted?

And in fact, when you are at a Buddhist temple, most people, including the monks, won’t care if you are have converted to the Buddhist religion or not. They will simply be happy that you are there to listen to the Dharma and make merit for yourself and your ancestors, and that you have an interest in following the teachings of the Buddha.

Do Buddhists believe they are being taught by Jesus?

A Buddhist may well still feel that they are being taught by Jesus, but also by Dogen, Nagaruna, Chogyam Trungpa, the Dalai Lama, and the Buddha. People who are eager to convert others to their religion usually believe their religion is the “right” one—the One True Religion.

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What is the first step when converting to Buddhism?

The first step for anyone when deciding to convert to Buddhism is to make sure you truly and completely understand the principles of Buddhism. Buddhism encourages any and all people to thoroughly investigate all religions, including Buddhism.