
Where did White vision come from WandaVision?

Where did White vision come from WandaVision?

In West Coast Avengers, White Vision was built by Hank Pym after the original was dismantled by the government. The fundamental difference between the two is that he lacks the capacity for emotions, meaning that he bears no love for his wife, Scarlet Witch. The change was reflected by his colorless appearance.

Who is the white vision and WandaVision?

But the WandaVision Episode 8 post-credits scene introduced the arrival of White Vision (Paul Bettany). It seems that Director Tyler Hayward (Josh Stamberg) created Cataract as a secret S.W.O.R.D. project to bring Vision back in his silver-y white spectral form, all to be a soulless weapon.

Why did Vision turn white in Marvel Comics?

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For various complicated reasons, there were no backups. The Vision’s body could be rebuilt, but his consciousness had effectively died. While dismantling him, the agents damaged his skin in such a way that it could no longer keep his usual color scheme, and turned stark white.

What is the plot of WandaVision TV series?

WandaVision was one of them. Perhaps the most anticipated TV series in all of the Phase TV shows announced. Today, we’re gonna discuss potential Plot for WandaVision which is based on comics. Plot: WandaVision will explain why Wanda is called Scarlet witch. It will show her darker side. Wanda will discover her reality-warping powers.

What will WandaVision do with her powers?

With her powers, she will create an alternate realm. Means Wanda will create an alternate reality in which Vision is alive. It’s been also said that she will also create her child. Basically she will create her own family.

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What does Wanda say at the end of WandaVision finale?

There’s something Wanda says later in the “WandaVision” finale that gives us some key insight. At the end of the episode, just before he goes away, Wanda’s Vision asks what he actually is. And Wanda tells him that he’s essentially the manifestation of the piece of the Mind Stone that lives within her.

Why is WandaVision set after Infinity War?

Because we already know WandaVision is set after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Wanda Maximoff was devastated after Infinity War. She had already lost her brother QuickSilver before and in Infinity War she lost her love Vision. Yeah, so what if it’s just a robot.