Is there such thing as a heartless person?

Is there such thing as a heartless person?

Someone who’s heartless is inconsiderate and insensitive to other people’s feelings. It would be heartless to smash a little kid’s carefully carved Jack o’ lantern. A heartless person might respond glibly to a friend’s sad story about his sick grandmother, or push a hungry cat out the door on a rainy night.

What do you call a heartless person?

brutal, callous, cold-blooded, cruel, harsh, inhuman, insensitive, merciless, ruthless, uncaring, unkind, cold fish, cold-hearted, hard, hard as nails, hard-boiled, hard-hearted, obdurate, pitiless, savage.

What does heartless look like?

Pureblood Heartless are natural Heartless, born from the darkness in people’s hearts. They are ink-black in color, with yellow beady eyes. They are more common in places that are close to or saturated in darkness. Upon their destruction, they simply disappear in puffs of darkness, without a heart leaving its body.

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What is a jaded Heartless Girl?

The jaded, heartless girl is the one who has rendered herself incapable of sympathy and feelings. Opening up is bullsh*t to her and feelings are for the weak. The physicality is temporarily enough for her, but secretly, she wants more, which is why she continuously gets her heart smashed into a million pieces when a guy tires of her.

Why is my girlfriend so cold and heartless?

It is a protective mechanism that causes the downfall of many of her relationships. Being heartless and cold after many years of painful, often self-induced heartbreak is why she is unable to share a real connection. Getting to know more about a person makes you fall for him or her.

What happens when a girl freezes over her heart?

This leads her to benders and bad decisions for as long as it takes her to freeze over her heart once more. She blames the guy, but half the time, it’s her fault. When you’re cold, it’s truly difficult to communicate your feelings to people. This is why the series of friends-with-benefits and could-have-beens turn into nothing but sex.