Tips and tricks

What happens when you stop using a whitening cream?

What happens when you stop using a whitening cream?

Anecdotal evidence suggests that you will get back to your original color when you stop bleaching. It might give you dark knuckles and burns if you start using another product immediately after you stopped bleaching.

How do I get my natural skin back after bleaching?

You can also apply aloe to a bleach burn as it heals. Aloe may help speed the healing of your burn as long as it is relatively minor. Wash your burn carefully, then apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel to the burn and bandage it again. This will keep your burn safe and keep the aloe in contact with your skin.

How long can I use bleaching cream?

Hydroquinone is an effective skin lightening agent. The recommended concentration over the counter is 2\%, but up to 4\% is available from a dermatologist in some countries. It should be used daily for no more than 6 months.

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Is skin bleaching reversible?

Hydroquinone is a topical skin-bleaching agent used in the cosmetic treatment of hyperpigmented skin conditions. The effect of skin lightening caused by hydroquinone is reversible when exposed to sunlight and therefore requires regular use until desired results are achieved. If no reaction occurs, initiate treatment.

How do you wean off hydroquinone?

It is NOT recommended to abruptly stop HQ use, but to gradually wean off of it as you replace it with a medical grade NON HQ product such as Zein Obagi MD’s (ZO) Brightenex, Brightalive, or for a more mild condition, C-Bright maybe the best choice for you.

What happens if you stop using hydroquinone?

If your skin lightens, stop using hydroquinone regularly and only use it if the dark spots reappear. Wait two or three months to use it in the same areas. Prolonged regular use of hydroquinone may lead to exogenous ochronosis, which can cause blue-black pigmentation and papules, red bumps on the skin.