Would Margaery have made a good queen?

Would Margaery have made a good queen?

They explained: “Margaery would have been the perfect person to rule Westeros. “And at the same time she was kind, charitable, she cared about the poor and was an emotionally and mentally stable person. “Westeros’ future would be in good hands if Margaery had become the absolute queen,” they added.

How old was tommen when he slept with Margaery?

Short answer: He didn’t, not in the “consummate the marriage” way. On the show he was 13/14 when he died and in the books he was 9/10. On the show he was about 13 when Joffrey does, and even though it was 2 years (I think) later for the viewer that he died, the in universe period was (should have been) months.

Was Margaery really religious?

But according to set reports, in a big scene involving Dormer, Jonathan Pryce’s High Sparrow, and a massive crowd, Margaery emerges from her cell penitent and, according to some leaks, entirely broken. She is now a convert to the religion of the High Sparrow and the boy king is incapable of snapping her out of it.

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What was Arya Stark’s relationship with Gendry like on ‘Game of Thrones’?

Arya Stark didn’t really have any relationships throughout Game Of Thrones apart from the final season fling with Gendry, which was mainly done through a fear she would die a virgin. Instead, she was mostly fixated on becoming a dominant assassin. RELATED: Game Of Thrones: 5 Worst Things Jon Snow Did To Daenerys (& 5 Worst Things She Did To Him)

Which couples in Game of Thrones never got together?

Game Of Thrones: 10 Couples That Would Have Made A Lot Of Sense (But Never Got Together) 1 10 Brienne & Tormund. We will kickstart with a relationship that was heavily teased throughout the show, but sadly never… 2 9 Arya Stark & Hot Pie. Arya Stark didn’t really have any relationships throughout Game Of Thrones apart from the final… More

Why did tytywin marry Margaery?

Tywin understood the value of House Tyrell’s loyalty and rewarded their aid by marrying Margaery to Joffrey and Tommen. Although Margaery wanted to be queen, she would still be one of the show’s strongest characters with Jaime at her side.

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What if Lyanna Stark married Rhaegar Targaryen?

Lyanna Stark’s secret marriage to Rhaegar Targaryen was one of the central catalysts for Robert’s Rebellion. If the Northern lady had wed the heir to Casterly Rock, then the Targaryens might have remained on the Iron Throne, with Rhaegar eventually overthrowing his mad father.