Tips and tricks

Should I get a budgie or a parakeet?

Should I get a budgie or a parakeet?

Parakeets are suitable as beginner birds but are slightly larger and require slightly more care and attention than Budgies. Compared to Budgies, Parakeets in general have a longer lifespan, so they are a large responsibility and will be around for up to 20 years in captivity.

What are the pros and cons of having a budgie?

Here are examples of 5 popular pet bird species that have clear upsides, as well as some downsides: Parakeet/Budgie. Pro: They tend to be very social and bond closely with their owners. Con: They are known to easily get sick, and require medical attention.

What are the advantages of having a budgie?

Your parakeet can also learn to fly to you, can learn to talk and can even be taught to do a somersault in your hand. Parakeets as pets are a manageable size, entertaining, social, and talkative. Small enough to fit in your apartment and travel with you, parakeets can make great pets.

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Are parakeets good pets for beginners?

Good Beginner Species to Consider If you have a bit more time and have an interest in parrots, then you could consider parakeets (budgies) or cockatiels, which are smaller members of the parrot family and are friendly, relatively quiet, and easy to tame if you get a young bird.

Why you shouldn’t own a parakeet?

Parakeet Cons: Don’t let their small size fool you into thinking these parrots are silent. Short lifespan of 8-12 years (compared to 20+ for larger parrots). Relatively fragile health; can easily get sick with slight temperature variations. Also susceptible to tumors and liver problems.

Are budgies good pets for 11 year olds?

The budgerigar, or budgie, makes a great pet for older children. A younger child may accidentally injure the bird if he or she is not gentle. The budgie’s cage can fit in the kid’s bedroom. It can be a great best friend if the child takes the time to tame it and interact with it.

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How much does a budgie cage cost?

Plan to spend between at least $50 up to $200 on your budgie cage. In addition to the cage, you’ll need perches, toys, and bowls for food and water. These costs vary depending what you choose, but it’s smart to budget $30 to $75.

Is a budgie a good pet to keep?

Of course, all this sounds like budgies are horrid to keep as pets. Please don’t think that is the case, though. They are also very sweet, and they can become very attached to their caretaker. So, make sure that you would be willing to spend time with the budgie. It’s not meant to sit in a cage by itself all day. 2. Why do you want a budgie?

What are the pros and cons of owning a parakeet?

Parakeet Pros: Parakeets are loving creatures that crave the attention of their owners. Make wonderful pets for families living in small homes and apartments. Excellent choice for families with small children and other pets. Can comfortably live in smaller cages due to their small size. Smaller parrots like the budgie are easier to transport.

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What is the difference between a parakeet and a budgie?

The most popular type of parakeet is the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), aka budgie, which currently ranks as the most popular pet parrot species in the world. So all budgies are parakeets, but not all parakeets are budgies.

Should I Feed my budgies seed or pellet?

There are seed and pellet varieties on the market for budgies, and both have their pros and cons. In spite of all the choices available, I would suggest that, as a first-time owner, you stick with the food that the bird was already being fed when you bought it.