Are friends similar or different?

Are friends similar or different?

According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, friends tend to be more genetically similar than strangers. They found many more genetic similarities between the friends than between pairs who didn’t know each other.

What do you and your best friend have in common?

You and your best friend are always laughing together, because you share the same sense of humor. You can thank that common sense of humor for why you have a million inside jokes. You even send memes back and forth that you know will make the other person smile. Your best friend is your partner in crime.

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Why is my best friend and I so similar?

A recent study published in Nature Communications says the reason for this likeness is that best friends actually have similar — or sometimes identical — brain activity. Yup, your closest friends “get you” because it’s like their basically looking in the mirror.

Do you and your friends have similar answers?

Yes, our answers are more or less the same.

Are all best friends same?

Essentially, friendship is a relationship between two people who hold mutual affection for each other. The main difference between friend and best friend is the fact that, while we may consider a number of people as friends, we only have a handful of best friends, usually only one or two.

When you both say the same thing?

Wikipedia elaborates the rules as: “Jinx” is also a term used when two people say the same thing at the same time and the person who says jinx first makes the other person not speak until somebody says his or her name.

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Do you prefer friends that are similar to you or different?

On the other hand, friends that are different can help you socailly and can teach you how to be more sensitive to others. You have to have friends that are similar to you but also have friends that are a little bit different. I like friends in all different way. I dont connect with any particular type. Even my best friend, we weren’t that alike.

How do you choose your best friend?

Researchers have long known that people choose friends who are much like themselves in a wide array of characteristics: of a similar age, race, religion, socioeconomic status, educational level, political leaning, pulchritude rating, even handgrip strength.

What do you like about friends?

Friends are people who you can have fun with and trust. I don’t think that their similarities and dislikes necessarily matter; similarities might just make it easier for you to relate to each other. I like to have friends of diverse backgrounds.

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Do your friends influence each other?

All friends no matter what type eventually influence each other. If it’s to the good or the bad, that doesn’t matter. So you just have to become friends with good people, that get involved in the good things and you will be good. I think that sometimes if you are too alike, then problems start. You want people that are alike but not identical.