
What is Aspire module?

What is Aspire module?

The ASPIRE Modules are short, non-credit bearing electives that broaden the training experiences of biomedical sciences trainees. These elective modules provide efficient exposure to topics in five theme areas: Business/Entrepreneurship. Communication. Clinical Research.

Is ILP mandatory in TCS?

Accommodation will be on a sharing basis. Accommodation is available only for the trainee (Accommodation will not be available for parents or relatives under any circumstances). It is mandatory to stay at the accommodation provided by TCS during the course of ILP.

Does TCS give salary during training period?

During the ILP or Initial Learning Program, TCS offers around Rs. 18,000 and post ILP the salary increases to about Rs. 24,000. For the entire period of ILP, deductions for PF, Income Tax, Accommodation and Food coupons are also included starting from the first month salary till the last month of training.

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Which is the best location for TCS?

Here is the top 5 TCS office.

  • Bangalore.
  • Mumbai.
  • Chennai.
  • Pune.
  • Noida.

What is the Aspire test in TCS?

Aspire test is something you have to appear to get a rank among all selected candidates of your batch. You will have to start giving aspire test during your 8th semester and try to score higher for an early joining letter. On the basis of aspire score, TCS will start rolling joining letters.

What is the Aspire course?

ASPIRE is a mandatory learning program.Through this program, you will be able to know more about TCS. It prepares you for the Initial Learning Program (ILP) that you will undergo after you join TCS by helping you learn the basic concepts of IT IS.

What is TCS aspire – pre ILP online training program?

TCS Aspire – Pre ILP Online Training Program The candidates recruited are provided with online material which is consists of different modules. These modules are assigned on the basis of the stream the candidate has to work in the organization.

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What is the aspiaspire course?

ASPIRE is an online interactive learning program for new recruits before they join TCS. The program is mandatory for all IT and EIS candidates. 1. Know Your TCS 5. Introduction to Java Basics 2. Unix 6. Communication 3. Software Engineering 7. Database Concepts 4. Basics of Programming 8.