
What is the purpose of reincarnation in Hinduism?

What is the purpose of reincarnation in Hinduism?

Reincarnation is a key belief within Hinduism. For example, if a person has good karma in a previous life, then their atman will be reborn or reincarnated into something better than they were previously. A person gains good karma for doing good things in life, such as helping others through following their dharma .

What is the purpose of reincarnation in Buddhism?

Some Buddhists believe that enlightened individuals can choose to be reborn in order to help others become enlightened. Others believe that, when Nirvana is achieved, the cycle of samsara, all suffering and further existence for that individual itself ends.

Which religions teach about reincarnation?


  • Jainism
  • Buddhism
  • Sikhism
  • What are the beliefs of reincarnation?

    Reincarnation is the belief that after death the soul separates from the body and takes another body to continue with another mortal life. According to this belief, the souls go through cycles of deaths and new incarnations. A human being, for example, could return to live on earth born as a new character.

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    Is reincarnation a real thing?

    As many as one-in-five Americans believe that reincarnation is a real thing, and many more believe partially in the concept of endless lives, moving through time. Reincarnation is believed to occur when the soul of an individual, leaves the body after death and comes back into Earth in a newborn body, which does not have to be that of a human.

    What are your beliefs on reincarnation?

    One of the most intrinsic beliefs of reincarnation is that most of us have lived many lives before, and sometimes we can actually remember these past lives. These past lives and past ‘selves’ we tend to identify with as extensions of ourselves and our egos. However, as Sol elaborated in a previous article on reincarnation: