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How to overcome the procrastination of studying?

How to overcome the procrastination of studying?

To do this, allow yourself to procrastinate regularly, but do it intentionally. If you have 3 hours of studying to do today, set up 10 minutes at the end of each hour to indulge your procrastination guilt-free.

Is it possible to procrastinate on a contract?

A writer had a 12,000-word contract for a children’s book. She procrastinated on it until the last day, and finished the book at midnight, only to go out immediately after. The first time the writer in question read the entire piece was after it was published. Apparently, it’s also possible to procrastinate responsibly.

What percentage of procrastination is normal?

For example, according to research, 80 percent to 95 percent of students procrastinate, many of then chronically, and about 50 percent of adults report succumbing to procrastination at least once in a while. So what drives procrastination, and can we really blame the internet?

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Are You a “I’ve Got Time” or “bored procrastinator?

The “I’ve Got Time” Procrastinator: When these people think they have plenty of time to complete a task, they tend to put it off until the last minute. The Bored Procrastinator: These people find the task mundane and would much rather fill their time with fun activities that provide immediate satisfaction.

Is your boss frustrated with your procrastination?

You’re a procrastinator, and it’s not something to be proud of. It means that you miss deadlines and waste a lot of time. As a result, your boss is not getting from you what you’re capable of delivering, and he or she is probably very frustrated with this.

Are You a chronic procrastinator?

According to research, every 5th person is a chronic procrastinator – and 95\% claim they’d love to quit the habit. So how do you stop procrastinating? And more importantly, when is procrastination actually good for you? Here’s everything you need to know about procrastination: What is procrastination? What is procrastination?