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What is the relationship between an algorithm and a code and explain how we choose a programming language?

What is the relationship between an algorithm and a code and explain how we choose a programming language?

These steps are nothing but algorithm. The algorithm is programming language independent. But it is written in a language which is easy for humans to understand and can be converted to working code very quickly.

What is the difference between algorithm and programming?

Differences between Algorithm and Program An algorithm is more like an idea, a way to solve a problem, while a program is more linked to the execution of one or more tasks by a computer. A program can implement one or more algorithms, or it may be so simple that we don´t have to use an algorithm.

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When an algorithm is written in programming language it becomes?

Explanation: An algorithm becomes a program when it is written in the form of a programming language. Thus, any program is an algorithm.

What is the difference between algorithm and programming language?

A computer program is a sequence of instructions that comply the rules of a specific programming language , written to perform a specified task with a computer. An algorithm consists of simply the steps (machine independent) needed to be followed in some order to solve a problem.

Why is an algorithm used by programmers?

In computer science, an algorithm gives the computer a specific set of instructions, which allows the computer to do everything, be it running a calculator or running a rocket. Computer programs are, at their core, algorithms written in programming languages that the computer can understand.

What is the difference between a problem and algorithm and a program?

To summarize: A problem is a function or a mapping of inputs to outputs. An algorithm is a recipe for solving a problem whose steps are concrete and unambiguous. Algorithms must be correct, of finite length, and must terminate for all inputs. A program is an instantiation of an algorithm in a programming language.

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When an algorithm is written in the form of a programming language?

Explanation: an algorithm becomes a program when it is written in the form of a programming language. thus, any program is an algorithm.

When an algorithm is written in the form of a programming language it becomes aa flowchart B program C pseudo code D syntax?

How can an algorithm be represented?

There are two main ways that algorithms can be represented – pseudocode and flowcharts .

What is the difference between a program and an algorithm?

Program : It is exact code written for problem following all the rules of the programming language. An algorithm is used to provide a solution to a particular problem in form of well-defined steps.

How do algorithms work?

While executing an algorithm on a computer, several operations such as additions and subtractions are combined to perform more complex mathematical operations. Algorithms can be expressed using natural language, flowcharts, etc. Let’s take a look at an example for a better understanding.

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Why do we use pseudocode for time algorithms?

Many time algorithms are presented using pseudocode since they can be read and understood by programmers who are familiar with different programming languages. Pseudocode allows you to include several control structures such as While, If-then-else, Repeat-until, for and case, which is present in many high-level languages.

How many types of algorithms are there in Computer Science?

According to Dr. Christoph Koutschan, a computer scientist working at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) in Austria, he has surveyed voting for the important types of algorithms. As a result, he has listed 32 crucial algorithms in computer science.