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Is Slavoj Zizek a Hegelian?

Is Slavoj Zizek a Hegelian?

Žižek has been called “the leading Hegelian of our time”, and Rothenberg and Khadr (2013) state that he is the “foremost exponent of Lacanian theory”.

Is Hegel dead?

Deceased (1770–1831)Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Living or Deceased

Is Lacan a Hegelian?

From our perspective, Lacan is fundamentally Hegelian, but without knowing it. It would make visible a Hegel of the logic of the signifier, of a self-referential process articulated as the repetitive positivization of a central void. Such a reading would thus affect the definition of both terms.

Is Slavoj Zizek a serious philosopher?

Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian-born political philosopher and cultural critic. He was described by British literary theorist, Terry Eagleton, as the “most formidably brilliant” recent theorist to have emerged from Continental Europe. Yet Žižek’s work, as he warns us, has a very serious philosophical content and intention.

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What is Hegel’s absolute idealism?

Idealism for Hegel meant that the finite world is a reflection of mind, which alone is truly real. He held that limited being (that which comes to be and passes away) presupposes infinite unlimited being, within which the finite is a dependent element.

Does Zizek understand Hegel?

With his own interest in ontology, Žižek certainly does not deny that Hegelian dialectics has an obvious metaphysical side, and he even writes that Hegel became Hegel when he abandoned the distinction between logic and metaphysics, after that he had realized, Žižek states, that “Logic already is Metaphysics”.

What is a dialectical reversal?

The point of the Dialectical Reversal of Otherness is to remind us that attempts at inclusion are not simple, that value disparity is indefinable and uneven, and that endeavors to release the human soul are corruptible.

Is Zizek a nihilist?

Conversation. Now that I am a nihilist I feel a desire to revisit the works of both sam harris and john waters.