
How does infinity equal 1 0?

How does infinity equal 1 0?

In mathematics, expressions like 1/0 are undefined. But the limit of the expression 1/x as x tends to zero is infinity. Similarly, expressions like 0/0 are undefined. Thus 1/0 is not infinity and 0/0 is not indeterminate, since division by zero is not defined.

What is the value of 1 infinity physics?

1 / infinity is undefined for any infinite quantity in the ordinal number system. In other transfinite systems each infinite value has a unique nonzero reciprical (an infinitessimal). just thought of something!

Does Infinity equal zero?

In Mayan mathematics, zero is supposed to be, in some sense, equal to infinity. In terms of logarithms, the original value 0 corresponds to −∞, while the original infinite value corresponds to +∞.

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Is zero and infinity same?

Infinity and Zero are the same point in space only separated by time. Zero is the midpoint of the {-∞ , 0, +∞} set of all integers. If we view the integer series as a 1Dimensional sequence, we would naturally say infinity and zero were different points.

Does 1/infinity = 0?

Also whether or not “1/infinity= 0” or not depends upon which “infinity” you are talking about. There is NO “infinity” in the standard real number system but you can have other, more general systems, with different kinds of “infinity”.

What is the value of 1/100 divided by Infinity?

1 divided by infinity: In this case, if we divide a small number with a large number, the result gets very close to zero. Therefore, we consider it as zero. Example: 1/10 = 0.1. 1/100 = 0.01. …. 1/100000 = 0.00001. The larger the denominator, the closer the quotient gets to 0.

Why is 0/0 and Infinity divided by Infinity indeterminate?

As we cannot guess the exact number, we consider it as a length of a number or infinity. In normal cases, the value of something divided by 0 has not been set yet, so it’s undefined. 0/0 and infinity divided by infinity is indeterminate. Why? In this case, the mathematical expressions are correct.

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What is 1/infinity as a fraction?

Take 1/Infinity. Infinity in this “fraction” is the denominator. As you divide 1 by an increasing denominator, the result gets smaller and smaller depending on the size of the denominator. Let us make things simple without the technical jargon just to impress. First of all, infinity is NOT a number.