
Why is limit 0 to infinity?

Why is limit 0 to infinity?

In mathematics, expressions like 1/0 are undefined. But the limit of the expression 1/x as x tends to zero is infinity. Similarly, expressions like 0/0 are undefined. Thus 1/0 is not infinity and 0/0 is not indeterminate, since division by zero is not defined.

How are zero and infinity related?

In terms of logarithms, the original value 0 corresponds to −∞, while the original infinite value corresponds to +∞. When we treat both possible values −∞ and +∞ as a single infinity, we thus treat the original values 0 and infinity as similar.

Can infinity be even?

In a sense, infinity is both odd and even. It is larger than any reachable number, which is odd. And, whatever number you could think of, it is even larger. In another sense, infinity is sometimes considered as a process rather than a defined number.

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Does Infinity divided by Infinity is equal to 0?

It is impossible for infinity subtracted from infinity to be equal to one and zero. Using this type of math, we can get infinity minus infinity to equal any real number. Therefore, infinity subtracted from infinity is undefined. Let’s prove this another way.

What is zero divided by Infinity?

It would be zero only. When zero is divided by any number or infinity then answer is zero. However, when any number be it infinity when divided by zero will give answer as infinity. So, 0/n = 0 and n/0= infinite.

Is 0 over infinity indeterminate?

Finally, while limits resulting in zero, infinity , or negative infinity are often indeterminate forms, this is not always true. Infinity, negative or positive, over zero will always result in divergence. As well, one over zero has infinite solutions and is therefore not indeterminate.

Does ln(0) equal 0/0?

The real natural logarithm function ln (x) is defined only for x>0. So the natural logarithm of zero is undefined. Why the natural logarithm of zero is undefined? Since ln (0) is the number we should raise e to get 0: ex = 0 There is no number x to satisfy this equation.