
Which job is better SSC CGL or state PCS?

Which job is better SSC CGL or state PCS?

SSC provides the central government jobs and state civil service exams provides administrative jobs in state government. State PSC is better because it gives you a job near your home town and secondly in your home town spent money is less.

Is PSU a government job Quora?

Yes offcourse , PSU employee are government servant because they work in government of India enterprise, where the central government share is more than 50\%. So the owner of the company is government of India so employee working in such a organisation will be government employee.

Is SSC CGL better than UPSC?

SSC CGL gives you a decent lifestyle and if you want to live a peaceful life, it is even better than UPSC. You will have very little responsibility because of your designation, but salary will be very good and if you compare with PSU jobs, SSC CGL posts win easily. You have a good salary, good postings and very less work pressure in SSC CGL.

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Is SSC CGL the best option to join a PSU job?

UPSC is any day the best option to join any central government job, but for people, who are not able to make it, SSC CGL offers a lucrative opportunity. PSU jobs are not pure government jobs and it may be possible that someday in the future they will be privatized as the government’s thrust is on disinvestment these days.

Which PSU in India is eligible to become Maharatna company?

A PSU in India with a Navratna status; listed on the Indian Stock Exchange; with an average net profit of more than Rs. 5,000 crore in the past three years after paying tax; average annual turnover of Rs. 25,000 crore for 3 years and an average annual net worth of Rs. 15,000 crore for 3 years, is eligible to become a Maharatna Company.

What is the difference between SSC CGL and gate jobs?

SSC CGL gives you a government job: This is the most important difference between GATE jobs and the SSC CGL. You are going to be a government servant in case of SSC CGL whereas GATE can only offer you a PSU job.